The Old Gresham Place

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The following morning, three reasonably rested young sorcerers tucked into a huge, cooked breakfast as Gran swanned around, humming lightly, her beads rattling as she went.

"We have to do some homework today," Dracaena said, and the men instantly set up a wall of complaints.

"We've got three weeks!" Sebastian groused. "Can we not explore a bit? I want to see your village."

"Agreed," Ominis said. "I'd much rather get out and about than get bogged down with schoolwork."

"The sooner we get it done, the more time we'll have to relax without worrying," Dracaena countered.

"Yeah, but it's boring."

"So's listening to you whinging," she countered, and ducked as Sebastian flicked a spoonful of jam at her. She needn't have worried, as Ominis stuck out a slice of toast and caught the jam mid-flight.

"Thank you, Sebastian."

They chuckled, and a firm rap sounded at the door. Gran pottered over and flung it wide. A flurry of snow blew over the threshold, and the trio looked up to see an unfamiliar man standing in the doorway, a basket on his arm.

"Good morning, Mrs Hughes. I have the vegetables I promised." He offered the basket.

"Ah, Mr Valentine! How nice of you to stop by, do come in!" Gran stepped back, smiling broadly, allowing him over the threshold. "Allow me to make introductions, this is my granddaughter, Dracaena, and her friends, Ominis and Sebastian. This is Mr Valentine, he's the gentleman who bought the Old Gresham Place."

Mr Valentine smiled, laying the basket on the counter. He was tall and thickset, surprisingly handsome, his dark hair slicked back from a widow's peak, a neat goatee on his chin, his shoulders broad under an elegant cloak of ruby. Dracaena raised her brows, taking in his teal robes and heeled boots. No muggle she knew dressed like that, but she knew plenty of wizards who did.

"A pleasure," he said, eyeing them all before focusing on Dracaena. He seemed to loom. "Your grandmother has told me lots about you." He extended a hand, which she took. His palm was warm, and the warmth seemed to travel down to her wrist, settling under Natsai's watch, the metal heating to an almost uncomfortable temperature.

"Nice to meet you too," she managed, wrenching a passable smile onto her face. "How're you finding the village?"

"It's lovely and quiet," he replied, his dark eyes boring into hers. "Just the right place for me, I think. Perfectly removed from any sort of... nonsense." His smile broadened, taking a moment to glance at Sebastian and Ominis, both of whom were listening with interest. His hand still held Dracaena's, and she pulled back, clearing her throat.

"We were just about to head out, actually," she said. "Love to stay and chat, but..." she rose. "Nice to meet you." She gestured to Sebastian and Ominis, who abandoned their breakfasts immediately, following her to the stairs.

"Oh, I won't keep you," Mr Valentine called to them, and they paused. "Just thought I'd say hello, I'd heard you were in town." He turned to Gran, who was packing away the vegetables. "Mrs Hughes, if you need more, do let me know, my garden is practically overflowing." He smiled again, a smile that didn't quite seem to reach his eyes, and then he was gone with a whirl of his cloak, the door clicking shut behind him.

"Isn't he nice?" Gran said, smiling. "He made sure to introduce himself the week he arrived, such a charming gentleman..."

"Yeah, that's great," Dracaena said. "Gran, we're going out, we'll see you later?"

"Of course, darling, wrap up warm!"

"I thought you wanted to do homework?" Sebastian said as they hurried into her room. Dracaena shut the door behind them.

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