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Sebastian left late the next morning, heading to his History of Magic class while Dracaena stayed behind, trying to polish up her abysmal essay. They were both puffy-eyed and pale, the pair of them consuming horrendous amounts of coffee to keep them up until the small hours of the morning to finish their homework. Dracaena curled up on the sofa, longing to close her eyes as she gave a jaw-cracking yawn, missing Sebastian's arms around her. She sighed, softly, beginning to drift even as she reached for Advanced Potions, flipping listlessly through to find the recipe for an Ageing Potion.

She yawned again, the words on the page blurring as she nodded, her head drooping forward.

The door to the Room flew open with a clatter and slammed just as fast, jerking Dracaena awake. Had an hour really gone by already? She peered blearily towards the door, then leapt to her feet.

Ominis had a hand braced against the wood, his usually tidy hair in disarray, his robes dusty and wrinkled. His jaw was tight, his wand held to the door, then he loosed a soft sigh, and turned.

Dracaena flew at him, throwing her arms around his neck with a soft cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she wept, clinging to him. She held tighter as his spine stiffened, then his hands rose to rest against her back. His hug was perfunctory, more a pat than an embrace, then he was sliding out of her grip, stalking to the sofa and sinking down with a low sigh.

"Ominis..." Dracaena hovered by the door, longing to run to him again, to apologise over and over, to curl up in his lap and give him the world. "I'm really sorry, for everything."

"I heard you the first time," he said, rubbing the heel of his hand into his eye.

She nibbled her lip, moving around to the armchair opposite the sofa.

"Where have you been?" she asked, searching his face. He looked exhausted, his eyes bagged, his hair a mess, a strange, nervous energy seemingly making him shiver. He tilted his head towards the door.

"You're sure no one but us can get in here?" he asked, quietly.

"Not unless they know about this space specifically," she replied. "Why? What happened?"

He shook his head. "It doesn't matter." He stood up, throwing another nervous glance towards the door. "If you don't mind, I really could do with a shower."

"Of course," she said, softly. "I'll be here. Do you need anything?"

He paused on his way to the bathroom, and he seemed to think for a moment. "I'm fine, thank you."

Dracaena loosed a soft breath as he vanished. He hadn't shouted at her again, and that, she supposed, was something, but this new coldness was somehow worse. She hugged herself, staring at the door, resisting the urge to follow him and prove to him just how much she loved him. The sensible part of her brain told her it was a terrible idea, that he'd only refuse her, driving him further away, to some place she couldn't follow. All the same, the urge was difficult to ignore. It was the only way she really knew how.

She settled instead for calling for Deek, asking for a selection of sandwiches, fruits and cheeses to be brought up, along with a huge pot of tea and a selection of scones, fresh cream and strawberry jam. His favourites. Once Deek brought them, she set about pouring and making up a plate for Ominis, settling back in her armchair, her knee jittering.

The door opened again, and Sebastian returned, yawning widely.

"Binns got the better of me," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "I fell asleep in less than a minute." He blinked, taking in the scene, the food on the low table, Dracaena in the chair, her nervous glances towards the bathroom. He smiled. "I guess Ominis came back."

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