Jinxes and Nightmares

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"You look exhausted," Sebastian murmured to her the following day, as Dracaena poured herself a very strong coffee. "Late night?"

"Couldn't sleep," she said, aware of Ominis beside her, his head tilted her way. She glared at Sebastian. "Had a pretty rough night, to be honest."

His eyes gleamed, and he grinned. "What, Imelda talking in her sleep again?"

"Yeah... she was mumbling about Inferi," Dracaena raised a meaningful brow. "I tried talking to her about it, but nothing came from it."

"Nothing?" Sebastian's face fell. "That's a shame."

"Why do you care about Imelda's dreams?" Ominis asked. "Harbouring a secret flame for her, are we?"

"No," Sebastian said, very quickly. "Just curious."

Ominis chuckled. "Of course, Sebastian, whatever you say."

"I nearly got myself killed," Dracaena hissed, as they made their way to class, Ominis walking a little way ahead of them as she limped next to Sebastian. "I followed a lead and ended up trapped by a horde of Inferi!"

"But there was nothing there?"

"Nothing but dead people trying to eat me."

"You're fine," Sebastian said. "You're more powerful than half the faculty put together, what's the problem?"

"The problem is I nearly got taken out by about a hundred corpses," Dracaena growled. "For nothing."

Sebastian shook his head. "What was the lead?"

"Just a group of shady wizards talking about a necromancer's talisman in a cave."

He nodded, and slowed a little, his hand rising to brush her shoulder. "Thanks for looking, Drac, I appreciate it. Maybe there'll be something else if you keep searching?"

"I'm going to have to start charging you at this rate. I have no intention of ending up as dinner for the dead."

He chuckled, his gaze softening. "Seriously, I'm glad you're okay. I wouldn't ask if I didn't think you could handle it."

Ominis paused by the stairs, turning his head. "What are you two muttering about back there?"

"Trying to set Sebastian up on a date with Imelda," Dracaena said, grinning as Sebastian glared at her, and Ominis laughed.

"You better not," he muttered in her ear. "I'm only willing to go so far to cover this."

"You should have thought of that before I got mobbed by dead guys."

Sebastian smiled, his hand rising to brush over the small of her back. "That's fair, though I am surprised you had difficulty, if I'm honest. Did you not think to use... you know."

Dracaena gave him a look. "I already told you why I'm not using it, Sebastian. It's far too dangerous."

He gave a genial shrug. "Well, yeah, you think that now, but you could have made things a little easier for yourself."

"I'm not going to argue with you about this," Dracaena stated.

"Wise decision," he said, bumping her with an elbow. "Maybe you should reconsider talking to the Keepers, they'd be able to tell you for sure what to do."

"No," she said, flatly. "I already know what they'd say."

"Suit yourself," he replied. "But don't complain if you find yourself in a difficult situation again. It's like being stuck in a pit with a broom, and trying to climb the walls instead of just flying out."

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