Nana Hughes

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Dracaena watched the school owl flap out of the window, the short note to Sebastian attached to its leg.


He's back. Everything is okay. Hope all goes well in London. See you at Gran's, send me an owl when you're on your way.



She took a slight breath, unable to stop smiling. Her lips still ached from the ferocity of Ominis' kisses, and she pressed her fingers to them, the tips cool against the fevered skin. She could still hardly dare believe that she could be so lucky.

But all the same, her smile dimmed. She had Ominis, yes, but... what about Sebastian? Would this change the dynamic of their friendship, especially considering that Ominis still struggled with separating Sebastian himself from his actions? Would Ominis become protective, perhaps even possessive of her? Would Sebastian feel left out now that there was a new layer to their relationship, when he had no one else to turn to? And what about his damned quest for a cure? Would he stop coming to her for help? How could she control him if he did? And what if she kept helping, and Ominis found out?

And what about those embers that burned for him too?

She shook her head. Too many thoughts, too little time. She couldn't spoil things so soon after they had only just begun. She about-faced and clattered down the Owlery steps, dashing through the snow to the castle, hurrying back to the dorm.

Ominis turned her way and smiled, his suitcase almost full. "You sent it?"

"Yes," she crossed to him and pulled him upright, her lips seeking his again. He grinned, leaning into her.

"Your nose is cold," he said, laughing. "I never knew that about you, before."

She chuckled. "Yeah, it's colder than a witch's tit out there," she said. Ominis raised a brow.

"I beg your pardon?"

"It's just something Gran says."

"Ah, that makes sense," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm looking forward to seeing her again."

Dracaena grinned back. "You done packing?"

"Almost, I just need to get my books. How are we for time?"

She checked Natsai's watch. "Twenty minutes. We better get a wriggle on."

"Wriggle away," Ominis chuckled, stepping back and heaving a pile of books into his arms. "Go on and get your suitcase, I'll see you in the common room."


The carriage rocked gently as it flew over Scotland, winging its way south. Dracaena leaned against the window, her legs stretched out on the seat, Ominis reclining against her, his hair tickling her throat. Her arms were crossed over his chest, his hands resting on hers.

He was sound asleep, and had been from almost the moment he'd lain down. Her own eyes dragged, longing to close, but she didn't want to sleep. Not yet. She wanted to savour this moment, every sensation, every breath. The coldness of the window against her shoulders, the warmth of his body against her, the back of his head between her breasts. The way he breathed so softly, the way his long, slender legs were bent at the knee to fit on the seats. The way he trusted her enough to hold him secure as the carriage swayed. The way that, even sleeping, his eyes were half open.

It was delightfully creepy. She loved it.

She was just beginning to doze when her stomach gave an alarmingly loud growl, loud enough indeed to wake Ominis up. Her jerked a little, blinking.

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