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WARNING – this chapter and the next few chapters deal with heavy, depressing themes. I hate putting spoilers anywhere but prepare yourselves for this one.

Sebastian had the good sense to cast a Cushioning Charm before Gran hit the floor as Dracaena yelped, reaching for her, her magic forgotten. He dashed over, Ominis hot on his heels.

"Dove, are you alright?" Ominis gripped her shoulders. "Is Nana okay?"

"She's fine," Sebastian said, crouching down and pressing a hand to her forehead. He glanced up, shooting Dracaena a fierce glare. "For fuck's sake, Drac, why did you have to go and tell her?"

"It just slipped out," she said, shivering a little, staring at the little old woman splayed on the rug. She looked frightfully small. "I-I just wanted to know about my dad. If I could find him... I don't know." She hung her head as Ominis pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry."

"It was foolish, but it's done now," Ominis said, with a light sigh. "I'll say it again, though. We really need to learn how to Obliviate people."

Gran gave a soft groan, and Sebastian quickly tucked a hand against her back, helping her sit upright. Dracaena fell to her knees beside her as Ominis darted into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a glass and a large bottle of gin.

"Gran?" Dracaena took her gnarled hand, Sebastian bracing an arm across her shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"I... yes, I think so," Gran said, a little shakily. "Goodness me, I think I had quite the turn. What happened?"

"You fainted," Dracaena said, as Ominis poured a healthy measure of gin and pushed it into her hands. "I'm sorry, Gran, it was my fault."

"Oh, don't be daft," Gran said, smiling tremulously at Ominis as he crouched down beside them. She sipped the gin, then flapped a hand at them all. "Don't fuss, now, I'm quite alright."

"You're sure?" Sebastian said, not moving.

"Quite sure, poppet. Let me get up, now."

Sebastian insisted on helping Gran to her feet. Only when she was settled in her armchair did he release his hold, kneeling beside Dracaena and Ominis on the rug. Gran sipped her gin again, and fixed Dracaena with a shrewd look.

"Now, darling," she said, sternly. "You said something rather silly. I'd like you to explain why you said it."

"It's not silly," Dracaena mumbled, staring at the rug. "I really am a witch, Gran. Dad was a wizard. That's why I want to know more about him."

Gran drew a sharp breath.

"And you two?" she eyed Sebastian and Ominis. "Are you... you all go to the same school, after all..."

"We are," Ominis said, gently. "Hogwarts is the oldest magical school in Europe. Almost a thousand years old, if I remember rightly. We're all magical. I'm sorry we didn't tell you."

Gran pursed her lips, the glass trembling slightly in her hands. "I see. It's quite alright, Ominis, it's not something I'd have expected you to tell me. My granddaughter, on the other hand..." she eyed Dracaena severely, and she ducked her head again. "Why didn't you tell me, Dracaena?"

She shrugged, refusing to look up, feeling like a naughty little girl, scolded for stealing Mrs Eldam's freshly baked rock cakes again. "The Ministry for Magic doesn't like muggles knowing."

Gran blinked. "The Ministry for... Muggers?" she raised a hand to her forehead. "Ominis, sweetheart, pass me that bottle. Sebastian, go and put the kettle on. I think we're going to be here a while. Dracaena, start from the beginning, if you please."

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