Breaking and Entering

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In time, the trio returned to Solomon's old cottage, where they managed to somewhat enjoy some tea and crumpets with Gran and Professor Weasley. Sebastian seemed to be in marginally better spirits now that the funeral was over, fast as it had been, though he and Ominis were both still very subdued. They shared stories of Anne, Gran and Dracaena listening more than speaking. Dracaena, for her part, knew there was little she could contribute, but she relished listening, hearing stories of mischief that she'd never been a part of, heavily censored for their deputy headmistress' sake.

As the afternoon wore on, Professor Weasley got to her feet.

"Mrs Hughes, I feel I should escort you home," she said. "I'll wait for you outside."

"Oh dear, I don't fancy another one of those carriage rides," Gran said, with a light shudder. She pulled a smile onto her face and clasped Dracaena in a tight hug.

"You take care, darling," she said. "Look after yourself."

"I always do, Gran," Dracaena replied, squeezing her tightly.

Gran hugged both Ominis and Sebastian in turn, whispering things to them that Dracaena couldn't hear. They followed her outside as she straightened her poncho, and Professor Weasley offered her arm.

"I'll let the three of you get back to the castle," she said. "I've sent your cases down to your dorms, though I suspect they'd be better placed in the Room of Requirement," she eyed Dracaena, who grinned.

"It's a useful room, Professor. It's got everything we need."

"Just make sure you study hard," Gran said. "I'll see you three over the summer."

Professor Weasley placed Gran's hand firmly on her arm, then with a pop, they vanished.

Sebastian forced a soft laugh. "Did we warn Nana about apparition?"

"No," Dracaena said, giggling. "I bet she's boxing Weasley's ears as we speak."

"I'd pay to see that," Ominis said, rubbing the heel of his hand into his eye and drawing a breath that trembled slightly on the exhale. "I don't think there's many that could get the better of her, but I imagine Nana's one of them."

Dracaena took their hands. "Come on, then. Let's get back to the castle. I think we can floo directly into the Room, you know."

"Thank Merlin for that."

A hot, ashy swoosh later, and they found themselves in the warm, familiar Room of Requirement. Deek appeared almost instantly, smiling widely as they dusted off their clothes.

"Ah, it's so lovely to see you all returned from your holidays! Can Deek get you anything?"

"It's lovely to see you too, Deek," Dracaena smiled at him. "I don't know about you two, but I wouldn't say no to a bottle of firewhisky. Raise a toast to Anne, perhaps?"

"That sounds perfect," Ominis said, sinking down onto the sofa and slinging his feet up, flopping back with a low groan. Sebastian, however, didn't answer, making straight for his blackboards and picking up a stick of chalk.

"Bassy?" Dracaena approached as Deek vanished. "Won't you come and relax with us? It's been a bit of a day."

"Later," he said, absently. "I've been thinking about Fotheringham and the Source, I want to get my ideas down before they run off." He wrote a line of incomprehensible runes. "I'm alright, Drac. I just need to keep my head busy."

"If you're sure," she said, and wrapped her arms around his middle, resting her head between his shoulder blades. "We'll be here if you need us."

He chuckled softly and twisted around, wrapping her in a tight but brief hug, then pushed her gently away and continued writing, frowning at the blackboards, before sighing.

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