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Candy always found a way to slither and con her way into my bed. She lived up to her name all right, she could be as sweet as sugar but If I was honest- I was starting to get a tooth ache.

"Oh my god Bullet-" Her moans were yelps over the rock playing in the background. My teeth connected in a grunt, my hand sliding up her back my fingers curl around her strands and, I shoved her head further into the pillows.

My eyes squeezed shut as I tried to remind myself that this was good, normal.

Candy yelps again as I forced myself out of my thoughts. Falling back into the rhythm of my hips, the feel of her squeezing me around the condom.

"Fuck." I panted, stepping back, my open buckle clicking as I stalked to the bathroom. Tying the piece of rubber into a knot before flushing it down the toilet. Sweat drenched my shirt, and hair making my brown curls look darker.

From the mirror in my bathroom I can see Candy move around, looking for her clothes and probably her purse.
Candy was actually a pretty girl, underneath the narcissism and alcohol abuse. Strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes I'm pretty sure are contacts but I never bothered to ask.

I watched her touch up her make up, swipe at the smudge lipstick and eyeliner before pulling over a piece of gum from her purse and popping it into her mouth. Then her cotton Candy blue eyes fell onto me through the glass.
"You coming back to the party?" I nodded, pulling away to pull on a fresh shirt after buckling my pants and pulling my cut back on, I let Candy slide out the door first before I followed.

The music from the yard was loud enough to faintly hear back in the garage. It only grew louder as the crowd grew thicker. There was little to none sweet cheeks here and the ones that were, were at the bar flirty with the prospects while the brothers seemed to be staying in the safe zone at the pool table and booths while the old ladies moved around the lot.

"Sergeant! Where have been-oh!" A prospect started but stopped abruptly as Candy seemed to latch onto my side. He kind of squinted at the interaction, I cleared my throat and he nodded. "Right, well Mrs. Bambi has been looking for you, she's in the back last I seen she was watching Baby Bear by the bounce house."

"Thanks." He slinks away with a curt nod, Candy is still latched like a leech and I try not to be a bastard and shove her aside after sex but I was a patched brother and if she kept hanging around soon I'll be expected by the club to claim her.

Candy was fun for now but I wasn't in the market for an old lady.

I find my sister looking unusually pissed off at the back table set under the shade of a tree.
My nephew not far playing at her feet with a toy truck, filling the back with patches of grass.
Bayou was walking now, almost forming full sentences and I was pretty sure he was starting day care soon.

"Why're you sitting here, looking like a sour puss?" I throw her words from a few days earlier back at her but I'm responded with an unimpressed stare before she cuts her gaze to Candy still clingy to my side.

"Bullet it's about ninety nine degrees out here, I'm six months pregnant and you've been ghostin me until it's convenient for you- I am not in the mood." Bambi snaps, her light chestnut brown eyes pinning past her squint and her already flushed face seems to get even redder.

Anger wasn't an emotion that was quite often on my sisters spectrum of emotions so when she did get angry it was like watching a nuclear bomb go off in slow motion and it could be a blink of a second before she hit lethal levels.
I had only ever been the victim of Bambis anger a handful of times and I had learned it was best to let her be angry for now and try for piece when she was calm.
She tosses me another dry, unimpressed look before she stands up, grabbing the red sippy cup off the table before storming off.

"Are you kidding? We were gone for maybe an hour."
My eyes pinch shut at Candys voice, her tone filled with annoyance and she leans into me.

"Don't speak on shit you couldn't possibly understand. Actually,-" I shrug her hands off me, her face deflating into a frown not bothering me in the slightest. "I gotta watch my nephew and you need to give me some fucking space. You're a sweet cheek of the devils horn MC, find the next brother to latch on to." Even as I said it I knew if my father was alive he'd kick my ass if he could hear me speak to this woman this way.

Her frown started to quiver and tears began to bubble but they didn't fall. "Fuck you Bullet." She sniffled as she turned away and I felt like a dick as I watched her duck into the back door of the club house.

"That was a hard watch. You wanna tell me what the hell is going on with you?" I sighed, glancing a the sky begging for whatever grace I had left to give me a break.
I turn to find Bear standing in his all brooding glory with Bayou lifted into his arms, resting mostly in one. From this angle you could see all their facial similarities, despite having his fathers dark, black eyes, Bayou had his fathers nose, jaw and smile with my sisters freckles, chestnut brown hair that fell in waves.

"I'm fine." I scoff, the party going on around us, our brothers dancing and clamoring around as if nothing in the world was wrong. and maybe, for them, in this moment, nothing was wrong.

"I told Bambi I wouldn't get involved with y'all sibling squabbles but now you're disrespecting women. Which is a low I didn't think I'd ever see you reach so when you're ready to talk about whatever's going on with you, you know where to find me." He offers nothing more as he walks off.

Guilt rolls and coils around my stomach like a boa constrictor.
And I nod, to no one in particular, pushing past the crowd towards the garage where my bike sits off to the side.

I mount, leaving my helmet on my work bench and crank the engine kicking off with my leg before letting my engine kick the speed up naturally before cranking the clutch and the world around me blurs into a mess of colors.

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now