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The moment Amara's apartment door shuts behind me my blood boils hotter than the grease from this mornings breakfast, my anger returning tenfold as I grip her old phone in my hand. Its old, touch screen but there's a crack that climbs from the bottom left of the phone up the front, the case is chipped but it was blue, clouds that look hand painted covering the back.

It was off now, but I recall all the times it had buzzed, binged and rang and each time Amara would shake her head just the slightest, talking over the buzzing or shutting the phone off all together. I couldn't blame her for getting a new phone, hell if she hadn't I would be getting it for her.

There wasn't a moment or specific place in my memory I could pin point when that woman became mine, maybe it was the way concern flashed in her intense gaze the day of the art showing, offering bandages and a listening ear despite her apprehension to overall, everyone else around us. Maybe it was somewhere along our endless conversations over greasy burgers and cajun season fries looking over the window of her living room to a view I'd seen a thousand times over but with Amara, everything felt like a new life time experience.

It would be easy to say somewhere along those lines I finally woke up, got the molasses outta my ass and listened to the rare way my heart thundered just at the thought of her. Its the most sane reason, It would be even more psychotic to admit the moment she blew in, flickering little firefly as I was hanging that portrait of the goddess, Oshun, my subconscious claimed her then. Knew somewhere in the hitches of my breath that, I belonged to this woman.

"There you are, welcome home Bullet." Tennessee's grin is wide, glinting with serendipitous as he handed off a tray of glasses to a prospect behind the bar. His tone underlying with something deeper as he tilted his chin.

"Feels good to be back, Keys around?" He nodded jerking his thumb over his shoulder.

"Yeah, hiding in the bat cave." I nod, rolling my tongue over my teeth, glancing around at the idling bodies, my brothers, men I've trusted with my life time and time again, yet the words stilled like cement on my tongue.

Rolling my shoulders, biting past the sudden, open feeling of vulnerability as Ten peered at me. "Thanks, Also needing a property cut made. Preferably soon as possible." I cleared my throat, trying to ignore how quiet it suddenly seems as a shit eating grin stretched over his face, his posture relaxed as he leaned against the bar top.

"Oh? Property cut? Gonna need a name for it." I glared, crossing my arms.

"Fuck off, Ten." I tutted at his boom of laughter. Knowing he was relishing in this, It was barely a week into Amara working for Bambi when Ten gave me that smug look the first time, like he knew something I didn't.

Raising his palms his laughter dying down as he patted my shoulder. "Happy for you man, we'll have to do something, properly introduce her to the club." I nodded in agreement. Having my woman familiar with her new extended family was top of my list, an endless list of brother in laws as eager to meet her as I was. Razor has sure talked- no bragged enough about spending time with her during their brief time working in the gallery together.

It was safe to say Razor was more than happy to claim another sister, even if I was too slow on my end.

"Definitely, got some business to take care of first." I grunted, my jaw clenching as I grinded my molars together. There used to be nothing I wanted more in this world than to watch Bianca fall, watch all her lies unravel and eat her alive.

Now there was nothing more than I craved than peace, I wanted my woman to have peace and If i had to deliver it with bloodstain hands, I would do so.

I find Keys in his cave, hunched over a wireless keyboard as the monitors in front of him flashed quickly, numbers and letters rolling over the screen faster than I can comprehend but even at a slow pace I could never understand the computer, tech mandra the way Keys could. It was an entire world to him that he was master of.


"Hey Bullet, heard you just got out." He spun in his chair, tossing me a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"I need you to find me someone." I kicked the door close, fishing Amara's old phone out of my pocket. Gesturing for a charger I find amongst a bundle of cords.

"Dead or alive?" He ask.

"Alive til I find him." He nods, no more questions asked. "Went to John Hopkins."

"No name?" I shake my head, the raw, unadulterated agony and humiliation that quaked, and wavered the rasp in her voice, made her shake like we were weathering a blizzard was enough for me to refute putting my woman through anymore trauma, even reliving it through word of mouth was enough to make her sick to her stomach, even if she did try to hide her retching into the toilet long after she thought I was sleep.

"No. Got this though, should be more than enough."

"And the business with Bianca?" I pause, the phone screen flashing as it turns on.

"Bear said I couldn't move rogue on it anymore. Once I get the greenlight ill be watching her and everything shes built burn. Use the fire to keep my woman warm." I grin sadistically. Maybe Marisol was right a I did lose a piece of my sanity down in that cellar, torturing the man who put my sister through hell.

A sick rush, a thrill scattered down my spine and my skin prickled with anticipation.

Like a chained savage dog about to be let off the leash.

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now