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I gasp as he grips me to him with a firm hand on my ass but Bullet swallows any and everything I have to give. His hand tangled into the back of my hair angles me just how he wants me to drink me in better and I feel dazed. His touch his rough but his lips are soft, gently as they mold to mind as his teeth nip, tongue sliding out to soothe after and I moan as it twirls with mine.

Heat ricochets around inside me until it tightens around my core like a knot being tied, Bullet grunts deeply in his chest, his vibrates through me pulling the knot more taunt and it forces me to gasp as he pulls away, disappearing into my neck as he nips and sucks.

"Bul-" He grunts again, this one full of displeasure as he pulls out of the crook of my neck. Hazel eyes darkened deeply with unmistakable lust and something I didnt have time to dissect in his hooded eyes.

"Hunter." Voice husk, I felt his grip tighten as his thumb brushed over my bottom lip, he said nothing else for a while. His body real still despite holding me up and I wasnt sure if he was even breathing but there was so much dancing in those hazel eyes. A silent message passing in his intense gaze and for reasons I couldn't begin to explain I felt like crying, my eyes stinging alone with the thought.

Running my fingers over the line between his eye brows, I traced over the bridge of his nose his eyes fluttering shut, as I rubbed under his eyes and cheeks brushing over his beard as I dropped my lips on his once more in a chaste kiss. The butterflies in my stomach having turned into a moshpit of elephants instead as he responded, leaning in with a slight urgency that made me giggle.

"Hunter." I tested, running my fingers through the silky strands of his hair as his chest vibrated in what I assumed was approval like a caveman.

"Come on, gorgeous. I owe you a dinner, remember?" He grinned, setting me on my legs that were still buzzing from running. My entire body felt like a live wire for a different reasons but with the same denominator- Hunter Colin.

Hunter helped me into the truck after offering to carry me on his back through the weeded path and the scratches from the loose branches and twigs on my legs were thankful for it. My arms hardly wrapped around Hunters massive shoulders and any insecurities about my sudden weight gain, even if slight was something he unintentionally didnt even give a chance to settle in. Containing my laughter around him was futile as he attempted to mimic my sprint in the grassy filed, bouncing me around wildly.

It wasnt until things had settled, after spending a meal sharing a pie of pizza and Hunter allowing me to steal the pepperonis of his last slice and we were sitting on a bench outside the Fountains of Bellagio, watching the spouts of water splash over the lavender sky, my throat seemed to close up with emotion as my eyes stung slightly.

"You know, I never in a million years did I expect myself to be here." It was true, I was supposed to be at John Hopkins tying up one of my last semesters of med school before my residency was to start, I would be somewhere burning up electricity strapped to a tread mill or sulking in a ice bath. I sighed, Hunter squeezing my hand softly, "But I'm learning somethings are not meant to be," His head falls to rest on top of my head resting on the cool of his shoulder, the leather of his cut cradles my cheek. "And maybe somethings just are." I eye our intertwined hands as he pulls them to his lips, brushing them over my knuckles.

"Maybe somethings are just in a different place." He clears his throat, and I sit up, noting the pink dusting his cheeks beneath his trimmed beard. I squint.

"What're you talking about Hunter?" I raise an eye brow as he chuckles softly, pulling me back into him.

"I'm just saying, firefly, there's a Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship here at the University of Nevada." He cleared his throat, his tone dipping slightly as his shoulders seemed to tense. My head titled as I pulled his hand away from his bread as he rubbed at his, looking anywhere but me, gripping his chin I pull his gaze back to me.

"Are you asking me to stay here in Nevada, Hunter?" I asked softly, hardly hearing the words leaving my mouth. I could hardly register the heavy thumping in my hears as the beat of my own heart.

"What if I am?" I couldnt tell what expression was on my face.

"Then- I, I dont know." I recoiled internally at my words, this time pulling my gaze away from him.

Neither one of say anything for several long minutes and im not sure if its because we dont have the words or if it was because he was pissed at me. But his hand remained in mind, his thigh still pressed against mine despite the length of the bench being enough for four maybe five people.

"There was a time in my life when someone approached me with, at a time, everything I ever wanted. But I was angry, really fucking angry, baby. And I let my blessing slip right past me then I paid for it right after." I hadnt realized I was crying until his thumb brushed them away. "I was a fool once, I wont be again." He pulled me close until his nose brushed mine, "Especially when the blessing is inherently a goddess herself." A soft, broken sob escapes before he catches the rest in a gentle kiss that aches before it soothes.

I feel myself fall into him, the world around me falls like rain drops until there only hazel eyes and words filled with finality.

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now