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My back ached as I registered the odd angle I was laying in, my body felt light and dazed as I pushed up. Beneath me, muscles flex and a deep sigh resonated as the body shifted. Rubbing the sleep out my eyes, the dryness in my mouth cracks as I smile inwardly. Hunters sleeping face, lips puckered, relaxed brows and full freedom to stare and let my gaze wander for as long as I'd like. 

He didnt have many tattoos, most of them covering his chest and back where on complete display as his shirt drooped down my shoulder, the rest of my clothes lost on the trip to the old gray couch from the garage. 

Although my back ached, I knew Hunter took the brunt of it, his legs longer than mine hung and his muscle mass alone made him look like he was falling halfway off the couch, with me sleeping on top of him I know he would be hurting when he woke. Sighing, running my fingers through the silky strands of his hair, I let myself linger for just a few more moments. Knowing my legs would be numb and Hunters grip on my waist was a battle I wasnt ready to take on yet. The man truly kept me in grip a boa constructor would be jealous of in his sleep. 

I giggled at the thought, quietly to myself and as if he could hear my thoughts the hand holding my thigh flexed and tightened just enough to awake the butterflies dormant in my stomach, tickling my ribs. 

"You always wake up so early." His voice rasped like low rumbling thunder in his chest, this time I chuckled out loud as his lips pressed against the crown of my head.

"No, you just always sleep late." Resting my chin in his chest I watched the morning sun flicker across hazel brown irises I had grown to love. It was like an entire forest in Hunters eyes, deep greenery hiding beautiful brown gems. "The house is amazing, this couch however, has seen better days." I loved the smile that stretched across his face, it was full and genuine. Rare. 

"No arguments there, I think I slipped a disk." He winced dramatically, eluting another giggle out of me. 

"You're so dramatic." I huffed, pushing at his chest to sit up as I pushed my braids back, my scalp a lot less sore today. 

"Yeah but you love it." I yelped as he swatted my ass as I stood, my legs still a little wobbly and as I glared over my shoulder, I was met with a cocky smirk. Vaguely aware of my lack of underwear and a bra as I shuffled toward the kitchen. 

We had in no way moved in at all, my stuff was still at my apartment and Hunter still kept most of his things in his room at the club, I was wishing on a prayer there was something edible in this kitchen. 

"I gotta take a ride, be gone two weeks at least." I frowned, closing the second empty cabinet as his voice rumbled into the kitchen. His large frame swallowing the space in the doorway of the kitchen. 

"Oh." I hated the way my shoulders slump. 

"I dont take rides often, my position requires me at the club mostly. But I've got some business I gotta take care of then, i'm right back home to you." The hairs on the back of neck stood at attention to the conviction in his voice, a promise. 

"When do you leave?" Abandoning my failed mission in search for food I let my hip rest on the counter near the sink. 

"Tomorrow evening." He squinted, moving swiftly and quietly over the kitchen floor until he was right in front of me. Large, warm hands moving to cup the cusp of my neck and jaw. My crossed arms melting with the rest of me to lay limp at my sides as I fell into his warmth. "I dont know how I've managed to survive this long, my heart walking around outside my chest all this time." His nose brushed mine and I think I swoon, my heart latching onto his words, locking them away for safe keeping. 

This man was a patched biker, a member of the largest club in Nevada yet he poured his heart out to me any moment he felt necessary. Reassurance was something I knew I'd never lack with Hunter, with this man I'd be taken care of mentally, physically and emotionally. I could be soft, vulnerable and safe, I could be anything I want to be and I knew I'd be loved. 

Curling into his chest I sighed, "I'm going to miss you."  I miss you already. "But you better take care of yourself on the road, make sure you eat and rest." I demanded, narrowing my eyes at his smirk but he nods, squeezing my hips gently. "And no road whores." It feels unnecessary at all to say and Hunters bellowing laughter makes my cheeks flush. 

"What do you know about road whores?" He rolls his tongue into the side of his cheek, poking it out like im the funniest thing in the world. 

"A lot can be covered in the time it takes to box braid a full head of hair, I know enough to remind you i know all the main arteries." I smile sarcastically. Squinting his eyes as he shakes his head like i'm unbelievable. 

"As if I'd ever do anything to lose my goddess." He steals a kiss, lingering and deep, makes my toes curl. "Only a fool would fumble a blessing." His reference makes me giggle as he yanks me into him, pulling my feet off the floor as he litters kisses over my still warm face. 

This man couldnt be real, this all had to be a dream and when I woke up, I'd be in that smelly motel or worse- stuck in that dorm, in that room. But when his lips stole mine again and my eyes fluttered open, my feet brushed the floor. I was here, this was real and this man of mine loved me,  worshipped me. 

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