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I watched my fathers entire life crumble all because he refused to go after what he truly wanted, he felt stuck, obligated to find satisfaction in misery. I watched it slowly suck the life out of him, my father was many things, a good man but a selfless man to a fault.

I am not my father.

I am a selfish bastard who was blessed with a taste of heaven and now I wanted to keep my angel to myself, keep her locked away in the safety of my arms, letting her nestle into the spot in my heart she was slowly carving out for herself.

"Hmm." My fingers still from their absentminded trail up and down her spine as she hums, puckered lips pursing slightly as she shuffles deeper into my chest. Wispy curls ticking my chin and breathing her in deeply I let my hand rest, finding the curve of her spine easily as her leg clutched tighter around my own.

Guilt pooled like lava, hot in my stomach. My woman was exhausted, despite me no longer being behind bars, the tensed stress that pinched her features didn't melt away until she lost her fight against her fluttering eyes. After we finally made it back to her apartment after going to check in with Bambi and Bear, having a late lunch because I was sure Amara hadn't eaten anything in the hours that past and then swinging by the clubhouse to get some clothes and check on things, my woman was dead on her feet by the time we crawled into her bed. Even in her sleep she gripped me like i'd disappear.

The thought made me smirk, come hell or high water, nothing would take me from this woman's side.

I frown as she jerks, legs kicking at the blankets. "Hot." She murmurs in a raspy voice that has my body reacting far more than the two syllable word should, her long legs kick out of the covers with ease but she doesn't pull away from me. It makes me grin as I pull her thick hair off her neck, hoping to help with her discomfort. She sighs, moving more into me.

"I have an observation." Just when i'm sure she's fallen back asleep, her breathing evening out she whispers quietly into the dark of her apartment. Curtains blocking out the world and its just Amara and I sharing whispers among only each other and stored art that would hold our secrets long after we've shelved them into each other.

I laugh through my nose, running my hand up her spine into the nape of her hair, running my fingers over her scalp. "Whats that, baby?"

She sighs again, deep inside her something wavers and her breath shudders just the slightest. "I never thought I'd feel safe again, no matter how far, how fast, how much I tried to convince myself. I am always stuck in that room, on that bed-" My throat tightens as my breathing stops all together and for a second all I can hear is a thundering in my ears and I cant focus long enough to find out if its hers or mine. "But it all melts away with you, in your arms I feel like nothing can touch me. I've been running from everything my whole life, I dont want to run away from you Hunter."

"I'd chase you, Firefly. It could be to the to the furthest edge of the highest cliff at the end world and I'd be right there holding your hand." I push the words past the bubbling rage surging through me, biting down on my jaws as I force myself to stay still, to not jump up from this bed and let blood spill all through that fucking college. Instead I hold my woman close, lacing our hands together over my stomach with my free hand.

"Amara." Our words soak the air for a long while before I speak again, she doesn't answer me but her hand squeezes mine. "You know there cant be a soul walking this earth still living after they hurt my woman." My hand tangled in her hair tightens just barely as I pull her pretty brown eyes into my gaze.

Her pupils are blown wide her eyes look almost black in the darkened room but I make out the built up, unsplit tears adorning her gorgeous swirling gaze. "I know." She whispers, lips brushing mine. I haul her impossible closer, leaving her hand to cup her ass that fits to perfectly in my hands.

"You're my woman Amara, the moment my heart, mind and body chose you, I claimed that responsibility to protect you." She whimpers at my words, curling deeper into me as I rest my forehead on hers. "There' nothing and no one in this world that can take you from me. Do you understand, goddess?" She curves into my grip on her ass, hand sliding out of her hair to cup the back of her neck. Nails dig into my bare chest, pinching pleasure shoots through me and I grind my teeth trying to focus on my anger.

Impossible with a vixen in my lap.

"I understand, baby." Tone rasped and breathy sends a savage wave that trembles through my body and the sound that echoes from my chest in almost inhumane. Everything this woman makes me feel, feels supernatural, inhumane, savage and raw. There was no such thing as control when it came to my feelings for the goddess Amara Joseph. "I also know that if you plan to keep me here in Nevada with you, you'll take care of this business you have going on with the senators wife." Her gaze narrows suddenly as she pulls back slightly.

The prickly feeling from when she told me to get my ass in the car in the police station return and it settles into my skin until in warms my blood. Despite the stern look on her face, I grin yanking my woman back to me as I take all she has to offer. The kiss as raw and savage as the feeling I have for her.

I think I see the heaven gates themselves when my tongue slides against her as she allows me access, full and total control as I devour her mouth. Nearly coming undone as she pulls my bottom lip between her teeth, tugging slightly. Pulling away breathless but never without sass. "I mean it, Hunter."

I paw at her thighs, lush and softer than clouds. "Yes ma'am." I give her a cheeky smile she cant resist a her lips twitch. This woman may have been my old lady long before she demanded I get my ass in the car, as dense as I was to see it then. I'd bask in it in now, cherish and nurture it like a delicate flower, like my delicate Amara.

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