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It feels like someone replaced the blood in my veins with gasoline and dropped a lit flame in my stomach. His hands are large and claiming, carrying me like I weigh nothing.

I was tall for a woman, more muscular too, I had never felt small or fragile or any of the like when it came to hanging around the guys on my team or even any boy I so much as had a crush on.

But Hunter was all man, the less than six inch height difference still made him tower over me, he handled me like polished jewels, precious as something to marvel at. His presence oozed like a predator, viciously wanting, protecting and possessing me

The thought sends an electric bolt of something between arousal and heart palpitations thrumming through me. A sound I didn't even know I was capable of falls out of my lips and Hunter swallows it in another searing kiss as he grips me impossibly closer.

Hunter made me feel all types of things I didn't think I was capable of. He emitted light into my world like the sun and warmed me deep in the mechanics of my heart.

"We do this my way, at your pace. You are in control, Amara and if you want to stop- we stop." He pulls back, letting my body slid of his but one big hand still clutches the left globe of my ass and the other cupping my jaw, fingers pulling my gaze gently towards his.
Chocolate brown eyes now swallowed almost wholly by his pupils. His chest rises and falls rapidly as much as mine and I let my hand fall to his left side, feeling his heart beating almost out of his chest, thundering rapidly.

In sync with mine.

I almost want to cry at how settled my heart feels, how easy my mind was able to trust and accept this man and how unbelievably turned on I was.
Nothing but the present existed with this man, my past wasn't something I could dwell on with his charming eyes and mischievous smile to distract me. This man with so much in his life, so many people that love him already and a line of woman I'm sure wanted to be in my place, wanted me.
Damaged, broken and lost old me.

A tear does fall at that thought but I yank him into another kiss before he can comment on it.

"I don't want to stop." I whisper against his full, warm lips. Something rumbles in his chest, his muscles flexing under my palm as his hands tighten around me.

His nose brushing against mine as he inhales long and deep, expanding his already broad chest. "Such a blessing." He murmurs more to himself, struggling to hear as his hand brushes up my jaw, pushing a stray braid away.

Large hands caress down my hips, his mouth dropping searing, wet kisses up my neck. I squirm at how alive my body becomes, hyper aware of every twitch in his muscle. "So fucking beautiful." He hums, nibble on my ear making me gasp. I'm vaguely aware of my back now pressing against his front, an obvious bulge poking into my back.

My breast have always been small, the curse of being a runner but when Hunters large hands slide up the divots of my body until they cupped my breast, softly and then roughly gripping the flesh in his palms like they were made for him. "Oh my god." I barely feel the plush carpet beneath my feet. My mind was buzzing, fumbling around and all that I could grasp was Hunters hands on my body.

"So fucking mine." He growls suddenly, hand moving with a mission back down the center of my body and I shuddered my breath coming in shattered pants. I felt like a nerve ending, exposed everywhere and at Hunters mercy.

"Your pace, Goddess." He paused and I could barely contain myself, the fluttering in my stomach and the clenching in my core left me paralyzed.

"H-hunter, please." I pant, not even slightly embarrassed at the desperation in my voice.

"Eyes up, baby." I tip my head back, barely registering my eyes had been shut in ecstasy.

It takes all myself control to keep my eyes from rolling back as he slips one large hand into my shorts, the fabric stretching easily, my lacy thong is hardly a barrier between his solid fingers and the wetness in my underwear. The scene before me is straight out of an erotic film, wild, unfiltered and feral- us.

Hunter is large, the Henley stretched over his torso is quite literally stretched to its whims, large shoulder bulging out wide and broad. Large legs twice the size of mine press against the back of me, his hips pressing into my back.

One large hand is cupping my left breast and the other cuts down the front of me and disappears into my shorts where he plays soft, torturous ministries to me over the thin fabric. Darkened chestnut eyes gazing at me with emotions so deep i'd drown getting lost in identifying them, peering at me through the massive mirror, a devilish smirk making the dimple in his cheek more prominent.

"Strip for me, gorgeous." I blink, feeling cold as he steps back suddenly. Dropping his massive body on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs wide and my cheeks flush as he moves to grip the bulge in his pants.

Droplets of embarrassment ripple in my chest like a stone in still waters. "W-what?" I clear the thickness from my throat.

Through the mirror he tilts his head, that mischievous smirk still plastered across his face. "You heard me." He grinned, eyes shining with adoration, scorching with lust directly after. Despite his obvious arousal Hunters affection was still present, I was more than just sex, even if that was what we were currently doing.

The embarrassment that began to bloom in my chest, rotten quickly with the sweet look on my mans face, silent encouragement as I began with my tank top. The lack of bra letting my girls spring freely immediately. In the reflection I watch his face, his eyes as they catalog every square inch of my bare flesh. Lingering on my pebbled nipples the piercing I gotten senior year of high school felt like a smart decision now, something like pride strikes at me as a sharp twinkle erupts in his eye as he moves to adjust himself again.

Swallowing thickly I hook my thumbs into my shorts, yanking my thong and shorts down in one foul swoop. Vaguely aware I just flashed him my goods, sending a silent thanks to myself for shaving.

Standing fully now, on display I cant look at him. But I can feel his eyes scanning over me, one, twice, thrice and then, "Sweet fuck, Amara, you are pure fucking perfection."

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now