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Happy New Year 🤍


I've always been good at math, working numbers and equations came easy to me. I think that's why I prefer machines over people, a few cranks, nuts and bolts and maybe a few curses and it was fixed.

At least that's what I was telling myself as reason I still lived in the room in the garage at the clubhouse rather than my fathers house he left me just down the hill.

"Bullet, my brakes sound like a pissed off chipmunk. Think you can look take a look at it?" I pause, my flat expression hidden under my sisters white SUV that I had to pick up myself after she failed to bring it in for an oil change weeks ago.

And with Honey being only four days old, there was very little either Bambi or Bear had time for outside of their kids at the moment. Most of the club responsibilities falling on Tennessee and me, usually I wouldn't mind but now I find myself frustrated with the tools and parts laid out in my workshop, where I usually came to find peace.

Not only was my work load a lot bigger at the moment, Keys still wouldn't tell me anything about Bianca and I was officially unofficially on lock down now there was a warrant out. Granite we had our influence in the Nevada police department, this was coming from a senator and it was going to take a lot more to make this go away.

Sliding from under the truck on drop the oil pan, the black inky gunk sloshing around before settling and I glance up at Coyote. A newly patched brother that had a wild shaggy mullet and a crooked front tooth.

He rocked on his heels as his big blue eyes darted around in curiosity. "So, my bike?" He pushed when I didn't say anything, leaning a hip on a near by table and guzzling my can of root beer. The sweetness coating my tongue as I set the can down with a soft clink.

"What do you ride again? Harley?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes as if I offended him.

"Nah, a triumph bonneville." I fight the urge to roll my eyes, wiping my hands on a near by rag.

"Yeah sure, I'll take a look. Gonna have to wait after I finish the oil change on Bams truck-"


"And replace the air filter on both Razors 1950 Norton Manx and Tennessees 1940 Indian Chief, change the coolant in Keys Davidson." I smirk as his face drops. I scoffed, annoyed"This aint a drive thru- more like the dmv. Take a fuckin number." I grumbled, feeling my stomach growl and my eye start to sting at the harsh lightning in the garage.

Coyote scoffed, shaking his head. "What's your problem?" He stepped more into the garage and I sighed. Pinching my eyes shut for a moment and taking a deep breath.
Remembering my rank and it's my job to lead and teach and not belittle them. I pause, taking a deep breath, "Nothing, I'll take a look at your bike tomorrow. Probably just need your brakes bled or new brake pads all together." I take the bite out of my tone and make a show of scribbling down his name in my list for tomorrow, raising my eyebrows as he looks at me warily before he nods apprehensively and leaves as quietly as he came.

I sigh again, a feeling of misplaced dejection echoing inside and I try to shake of the darkness of the familiar demonstration as I shuffle towards the table of filthy tools, wiping my hands on the rag hanging out of my pocket.
Flicking my gaze over my phone, Amara didn't seem to like to talk on the phone and I much rather enjoyed talking to her in person.

It fascinated me the way lights danced in her dark deep brown eyes, the way her hair defined gravity and all physics. The way she laughed, loudly, joyfully and so carefree- even if her eyes portrayed a completely different story.

Shaking my head at my trailing thoughts I toss the rag on the table, running a hand through my hair with an audibly irritated grunt.

"Fuck it-" I grab for my phone, flicking through my contacts as I glance at the door moving to pull the garage door down I place the phone between my shoulder and ear as it rings.

It rang a few times before she answers, her tone light. "-Hello?"

"You've never been to the clubhouse." I state and wait, her silence in the other end is stretched before a breathy chuckle echoed from the other side and I smile inwardly.

"No, I can't say that I have. Can I ask you something?" I nod even if she can't see me and move towards my room.

"Anything." I answer.

"Why do you call me firefly?" I chuckle.

"Anything else, gorgeous. That's another story for another day." I can practically hear her rolling those big beautiful eyes as she scoffs.

"I thought you said anything!"

"Yeah but if I tell you everything I would run out of excuses to call you, now my turn, how was your day?" I put it on speaker, stripping over of my grease coated clothes as shuffling ensuses on the other end before she clears her throat.

"Good, I uh, I got a bird." I pause, biting my lip to keep from laughing.

"You got a bird?" I parrot back, "I gotta say gorgeous, I can picture you as a lot of things but a bird person was not one." A chuckle escapes as she snorts on the other end.

"Well, technically I found it outside my window, I think it's wing it sprained so once it's able to fly again I'll let it go. So im a temporary bird mom." She explains as a matter a factly and I wish I was there to see the expression on her face.

I respond, "Lucky bird."

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