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The tiny bird had spent all of who days with Amara, it's wing bent at an odd angle after a particularly colder night in Nevada. Chirping and crying out on the ledge of Amaras bedroom window the next morning.

"Don't worry, once you're all healed up you'll be able to fly again." Amaras words seemed so loud in her quiet apartment despite her whispers. The small sparrow, brown and puffed out was nestled in a box of tissues she originally purchased for the bathroom.

The bird chirped, eyes fluttering as it nuzzled into its feathers. Amara sighed, running a hand through her hair as she moved away from the box resting on her coffee table in the direct sunlight shining in.

'Okay, I've got to stop talking to the bird.' She thought to herself, chuckling at her wayward thoughts.

Leaning back into her couch, legs folded underneath her. The silence enveloped Amara, seemed to snuff out any sounds around her. Her thoughts were loud though, blaring and ever the demanding as of lately.

It was quite easy to chalk that up to all the sudden free time on her hands, Bambi was still paying her, unexpectedly but the gallery was closed while she healed and Honey, the sweet baby Bambi constantly sent Amara pictures of grew every day. Another unexpected action Amara wasn't sure how to respond to at first.

She thought she had experienced all types of people in her life, categorizing them into two: the bad, the bad who pretended to be good. And then there was her, just trying to survive.

She had never met people as genuinely good as Bambi or Bullet, her hypothesis of it being a trait of the siblings was quickly dismissed with each interaction with Razor and even a few with Bear.

Bullet was right, Amara had never been to the clubhouse. She hadn't planned on it either, but she didn't need to go to the clubhouse to know the people that surrounded themselves with her, we're good people.

She hadn't planned on a lot of things when she stopped at the Motel in Nevada. It seemed like most days there wasn't a plan to go by, her phone stop ringing so long ago she could hardly remember the time when it wouldn't stop. There was an odd sense of calamity that came each time she thought about her status with the university, she was a drop out, maybe- but there was a validation in knowing it wasn't all by choice.

She had a job, a nice sized apartment- already more than she had for herself in New Hampshire and John Hopkins together, the only that seemed left for her that way offered nothing as peaceful as the life she had unintentionally carved for herself here in Nevada. No matter how quiet and domineering most days seemed, it was hers.

Through the quiet in her apartment, the sound bounced off the walls and she watched the water in her glass ripple as two sharp knocks echoed off the front door, unfolding her long legs and stretching she yawned. Glancing around her living room, she hadn't had much to unpack but she had definitely made use of the check Bambi had given her a few days ago.

She could only expect a handful of people at her door, she tried to ignore the way her stomach cartwheeled as she pulled the door open.
Bullet always smelled like smoke but not from a cigarette, Amara was sure she had never even seen him smoke, it was just him, smokey and spice with a layer of cinnamon.

"Bullet, hey." She watched his lips tilt up just slightly as he nodded.

"Hey, I brought you bird food." Amara pulled her gaze from his twinkling whiskey colored eyes to the bag of bird feed that looked small in his large hands.

Amara couldn't help the smile fighting it's way onto her face and she bit her lip as she turned, letting him in. "Really? You didn't have to-"

"The place looks great." She turned, squinting her eyes at his lopsided grin as he shrugged, "Woman, I've learned with you it much easier to do what you need done and ask for forgiveness later' but for now how bout you show me your new roommate." His grin turned sly as he sauntered past her into the living room, leaving his boots set aside neatly by the door and cut on the hook.

"You're almost intolerable." She joked, watching him crouch to see the bird. Watching the back of his head as he chuckled, his chestnut brown hair was much longer than when she first met him, but the sides were freshly shaven and his bread still remained neatly trimmed to his face.

"You're almost believable, gorgeous. Now are you gonna keep fighting' me, Woman, or are you gonna go get ready?" He smirked, catching her eyes as he turned from the small bird sleeping peacefully in it nest of soft and warm tissues.

It took a few moments for Amara to process his words past the sudden thick country accent, it made the hairs on her arm stand at attention as a shiver rolled down her spine.
"Has your accent gotten deeper?" Her head cocked as he chuckled, giving her an exasperated look.

She watched him move until he was right in front of her, large hands encase her hips sudden but she doesn't flinch like she expects, her body instead hums to life as she becomes vividly aware of the heat radiating of his large hands, how her large valley hips seem to fit snug, almost perfect in the cusps of his hands. Nothing of his touch is sexual, hardly intimate and that alone should be that last thing on her mind right?

But why is her core twisting with anticipation as he grips her hips, maneuvering until she's walking.
"We can talk about that in the truck." His words pull her out of her hazed thoughts.

"We are we going?" She tosses her hands up as he chuckles again, not answering until he's at the start of her small hallway, a door for her bathroom and one for her bedroom, turning away from them she looks up at Bullet with a raised brow, trying to ignore the way his hands rested heavily on her hips.

"To put the wind back in your wings."

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now