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"I'll call you once I'm done." I lean over, stealing another kiss the moment she nods her head, her laughter dances around me until it wraps around me like a settling keys on a piano.

"Okay, okay, you have to go now. It could be an emergency." She pushed my face away with one soft hand, the other holding my phone up for me to see the screen blinking with Tennessee's contact and I sighed. I had only manage to sneak away for a few hours before I was being hounded back. But eyeing Amara's swollen lips I smirk, knowing I'll be cherishing those few hours for a very long time.

"You could aways just come with me." I try again, already anticipating the swooshing sound her bun makes as it rubs against the roof of the truck shaking her head.

"Besides, after running in the Nevada sun. I could use a shower." I glance back down at her spandex shorts, her shirt was a compression one, white that fit the slopes and curves of her body like a glove. Swallowing thickly I pull my gaze away from her pooling thighs, her expression one of amused exasperation.

"Fine, I'll see you tonight." I called as she climbed out of my truck, forcing me to remain in the drivers seat. I watched her roll her eyes with a small smile. "I thought you were going to call?" I shrug, grinning at her teasing tone.

"Same thing." I throw the truck into gear as she shakes her head as if im impossible waving her hand and I wait until she locks the door beside the gallery to her apartment behind her before disappearing behind the glass and up the stairs.

Sighing as I pull away from the curb I answer my still ringing phone. "Yeah." My tone is a lot less enthused and I cant help the way my eyes drift to the rearview mirror but I know she's not in eye line I force myself to focus on the road and the call.

"Yeah, Pres is here. Church happening in ten."

"I'll be there in fi- shit." The red and blue lights flickering in my rearview mirror are unmistakable and they are almost blinding, annoyingly slow even in the day time.

"What?" Tens voice is steady over the line and I set my phone on speaker on the dash.

"Im being pulled over, with a bullshit warrant over my head." I huff, my good more plummeting right into the shitter.

"I'll tell pres, dont give em a reason to be more of an issue." He didnt say anything else but he didnt hang up as I scoffed, pulling over. Even if he didnt have a warrant, these cops would be causing any issue regardless. The issue just gave them more of a chance to justify it.

I glanced at the singular officer approaching on the drivers side, an arrogant swagger to his steps as he approached, buzzed blonde hair he ran one hand over as the other moved to rest on the space on his belt near his gun. Tapping sharply on the hood of my truck as he leaned down, green eyes gleeful.

"Officer Dione." I drawl, unimpressed as I look ahead, having wished I just kept fucking driving.

"Bullet, still a member of that motorcycle club? License and registration by the way." He grinned, displaying all his teeth and I smirk at the gap residing on the side from his face being slammed into the counter top of a bar I was very familiar with.

"Still havent gotten that tooth fixed, can I ask why im being pulled over?" I titled my head as his smile faltered completed, his tongue quite obvious running over the space of his missing tooth.

"Broken tail light."

"What-" I wanted to kick myself, having been so occupied with Dione I hadnt take note of the other patrol car parked behind his and the cop operating it currently had the butt of his button in the driver tail light of my truck. "Son of a bitch." I spit out, glaring at Dione's smug expression.

"No need, it just so happens your face is plastered from here to New York, son. So as it happens you have the right to remain fucking silent and get your redneck ass out the fucking car." Spit fettles from his mouth as foam builds on the sides, yanking at my truck door, I dont fight as he yanks at my arm struggling to tug me out the truck and I raise my hands as I do.

"Ten how fucking long?!" I call into the truck straining for a response as Dione yanks me towards the ground.

"On your knees!'

"Two minutes, hold on kid." I grit my teeth as the broken grovel bites into my knees, barely having time to register the baton I take to the back of the ribs until it knocks the wind out of me and I gasp.

"Hands behind your back!" I faintly register the sound of bikes coming from the east and I can tell Dione hears it to, I wince as he yanks my arms roughly, locking them tightly with the cuffs until it pinches off the circulation.

Im still struggling to catch my breath as he yanks me to my feet. Forcing me to stumble towards his patrol car and I struggle to dig my heels in each step of way, wincing as he yanks at my hair to force me into the car. "Stop resisting." oh this motherfuckers got it coming.
Gritting my teeth I crowd my body to fit into the small of the back seat, my knees stinging as the brush the metal blocking off the back seat. From the window I can see my brothers ride in, skidding bikes to a stop as they jump off.

Bear, Ten, Razor, Eightball and Chief all looking various levels of pissed off approach Dione and the other cop with domineering nature and I can see the cop glance at dione unsurely, more than likely having just thought he had been following orders. A rookie.

I watch them talk for what feels like ages before Bear approaches with Dione whose looking slightly less smug than before but still enough for me to want to punch him square in the fucking face. I glare at him as he opens my door, stepping barely away as Bear crouches in.

"Your gonna take a ride tonight but were gonna pick you up in the morning, Keys hasnt been able to click in and there wont be able anything we can do for now." His tone was bitter, obsidian eyes barely able to meet mine and I roll my tongue over my teeth, realizing my reality with a pungent taste in the back of my throat.

"Do me a favor?" He nods immediately, "Take care of my sister and tell Amara, I'm sorry."

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now