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The anxiety rolling off Amara was tangible, it quaked her entire body and if she wasn't squeezing the air right out of my lungs I'd be afraid she fall of my bike.

As good as her arms felt around me, the way her round ass was perched perfectly on my bike was glorious. It was a wet dream, my wet dream come true but the circumstances dimmed the light of it, dimmed the light in my goddess.

Amara had given her entire life to her family and without reciprocity. Her parents trampled all over her heart before she even had a chance to realize what was happening.
My baby was so alone for so long.

Not anymore, and if her father thought he was going to drag her back to her own personal hell. I'd lock him up in my cellar and make him into a sculpture of my own.

"Why are you grinning like that?" I blinked, tossing my gaze to the side mirror where Amaras dark eyes were peering at me through her helmet.

I shrugged, "Just thinking of starting a new hobby, hon." I wink as she scoffs.

"My father just bombarded into our lives and is using my rehabilitated brother to bait me and your thinking of new hobbies?" She giggled, shaking her head as she tapped her hands over my stomach.

But my mind was still processing our lives.
Wicked thoughts of torture pressed aside, my mind goes haywire. Images of Amara dancing around the kitchen in one of her many stolen shirts of mine in those spandex shorts she says are for running but they only drive me crazy. Waking up to her wild hair tickling my beard every morning, cooking for her because god knows my woman loathed cooking but that didn't matter, she wouldn't have to again if that's what she wanted.
I feel like I stop breathing when my mind veers to curly headed little kites running wild and as fast as their momma and just as witty as her too.

"Hunter?" Her hand is warm on my back and it jerks me back into the present, Amara curled around my body to look at me over my shoulder.
Around us Bear and Razor idled on their bikes as they eyes the gold classic Cadillac her brother was currently gaping at us from while her father tried to remain indifferent, although I could make out the pissed off expression underneath, clenched jaw and pursed lips were something I had come only associate with Amara when she's annoyed. It was unsettling almost to see it in her father too.

My body twitch with the need to hold her, but she was already angled uncomfortably and we needed to get this over with so I can make a move on the sudden urges pounding in my head, in rhythm with my heart.

"You know I would never let anything happen to you, right?" I settle for grabbing the mouth to the opening of her helmet. Pulling her face closer to mine.
She nods almost immediately and my heart pounds a little louder in my ears.

"I trust you, Hunter." Her hand wraps around to settle on my raging heart. Like it's fighting to get out of my chest right into her palm.

"When this is over, firefly. I'm going to fix us up a house, make sure your fed and we'll taken care of for the rest of my life and if you want a wedding with the big ol fancy ring, that's fine too. You are my goddess and I'll worship you for the rest of my life, baby." There's a ringing in my ears at her stunned, wide eyes at my confession. Smirking I leaned down and kiss the top of her helmet, where her forehead is before releasing. And her arms tighten around me as I crank the engine.

Her palm never leaving my pounding heart the whole ride.

In my wildest imaginations I had never once pictured Amara on the back of my bike while her father followed in his Cadillac while Bear and Razor flanked the car. Like herding cattle to the slaughter.

Amara hardly if ever came to the clubhouse, bringing her father and brother here would probably raise her hackles and I was prepared for all her rage once I cut the engine.

Tears, however. I was not in all prepared, I'm never prepared when Amara sheds a tear, it quite literally feels like my lungs are being ripped out of my chest.

Pulling off her helmet I cradle her face, having left mine behind in the haste, not that I usually wore one anyways, but her safety was non negotiable.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" I urge, scanning her over again for anything I could have missed.

"Y-" she hiccuped and her bottom lip trembled and I felt my heart crack as she wiped are her face with the back of her hands. Amara was a strong, capable and smart woman, but when she cried, it was like a time bomb and she was little girl again.

"Talk to me, baby." I had pulled us into the garage while I could hear Bear and Razor herding her father and brother into the makeshift parking lot. Pulling her off the bike into my arms as she hiccuped again. My words only seemed to make her cry more so I shut my mouth, wiping at her slick tears with my thumbs as she broke my head with each fallen one.

"You want to marry me?" She finally whispered, soft and vulnerable. Looking at my chest, gripping her chin softly I pull those dark eyes back to me, her wet lashes looking even longer.

"The whole nine yards, baby." I chuckled, happy I could get a small smile from her.

"They'd have to make room for two." She gripped my cut, pulling me between her legs as she perched on the edge of my work table and the sight mama my pant tighten.

Swallowing thickly, I brush away the curls fallen over her forehead. "How could you want me even when I'm broken." She whispers so soft it breaks off. The words twist my gut as a the feeling of rage washes over me, trying to push it down as I let my forehead fall to hers. Breathing her in.

"If you truly believe you're broken, then I want every last piece of you."

The Mechanics of The Heart (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now