Chapter 2

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Midnight would arrive, and so did the troubling thoughts that wondered my mental. I was dressed in a black hoodie and a pair of black jeans, awaiting my brother on the front porch. A load of worries suddenly lifted off my shoulders when I seen KD's black dodge pulling in-front of the driveway. For some reason, KD always made me feel safer, even in times like these. It's ironic. I'm suppose to wish it was all a joke, or that he would forget, not show up, even.

It was the opposite.

I got inside the dodge and eyed KD who was smoking a blunt. This is normal. KD smoke weed the same way a tobacco addicted smoked a pack of cigarettes.

"Just got to make sure my sis ok, ya know?" KD explained without looking my way. I didn't respond. My mind was wrapped around all the possibilities that could go wrong tonight.

What if the guy has a gun too?

"Don't worry about nothing just sneak in the back of the alley next to the store and the moment you see him shoot em in the head." KD was always so calm.. He just shrugged. "Simple as that."

"How do you know he will go to the Alley?" I questioned.

"That's where he hide all the dope at when he's making a sell." KD stated dryly.

KD shook his head, "lil niggas..anyway you got the gun?" He asked as his eyes were piercing through my soul, as if he was searching for something within me. I swallowed hard.

I slid the gun into the hoodie while holding it firmly. I gave KD a nod, but most likely not a convincing face or demeaner.

KD sparked up his blunt and for the next 20 minutes we smoked two blunts and I even took a shot of some Hennessy. KD was hoping this would calm my nerves
I don't think anything could at this moment. Then again, from smoking and drinking with KD, my body became more relaxed but endless senerios increased.

KD didn't drop me off near my victim; Instead he parked the truck a block away and told me too just walk into the alley way, find a good spot to go unseen, and draw no attention to myself.

KD made it sound too easy. I kept my hands in my hoodie pockets, pulled my hoodie over my head, and proceeded out the car. It was just a street over. Cars flew by over and over. I was able to spot the light skinned boy who had on the same clothing in the picture mail I received earlier.

Glancing at my victim from across the street, I could see he was laughing and playing around with his homboys. I made my way across the street. My presence seem to go unnoticed as the men continued talking about whatever. M&K was nothing but a good corner store with little to no cameras and you could get away with buying anything even if you wasn't 18; That is if you were cool with the people that worked there..most people were. This had me wondering.. How old was this dude? He had no cigarette or any kind of alcohol substance In his hand and neither did his boys.

The men suddenly stopped talking and my victim shifted as if he were to walk somewhere else.


He was making a deal..I kept my head down and walked quite fast into the side ally next the store. I could overhear the conversation they were having, it involved something about a girl name Ivry, arguing about "who hit it first." I walked directly pass them and into the the nearly pitch black alley that smelled of shit and puke. I nearly gagged. The dudes didn't even glance my way, not even a head turn. It was as if I was invisible. A non factor. It was much darker than I imagined. Thanks to the lack of alley lights. This was a pro though, not a con.

I made a decision to squat down behind a large black dumpster as I pulled the gun from my hoodie. I held the gun as tight as possible.

Reality just hit me, like a baseball straight to the head. I'm going to kill him. I'm actually going to take away a persons life, but in my eyes he deserves it. I hear footsteps and mumbled voices approaching the alley; The last thing that went to mind was young Puta. This was for him.
But was it? Yes, I loved him. Yet, at the same time, I can't deny the slight excitement of adrenaline pulsing through my veins.

NEVER have I felt so alive.
What is this undiscovered darkness?

With another sound of shuffling feet, I inhaled and exhaled quietly. I'm ready for this. My body temperature had risen to the roof, it felt as if I were sweating bullets. I inhaled the musty air of the night once more.
No more thinking, Skin.

I gripped the gun harder with a steady finger on the trigger. I stood up swiftly, spotting my victim immediately. He was alone, standing on the other side of the dumpster. I pointed the gun at him aiming for his head before I freely let my trigger finger go off. At this very moment, curiosity of blood shed sparked my interest more than anything else.

The thunderous sound of the gun erupted into the silent night and into my ringing ears. I gazed into the boy's eyes and literally killed him in just a split second. I even didn't get a chance to see his freighting eyes. Why did that dissapoint me?

I could hear the screams from around the neighborhood and cars picking up speed to dart off from the nearby gun shot. I checked my surroundings for the other men who was with him. No one in my sights. Good.

My hands were shaking terribly. Without out hesitation, I walked to the bloody mess I created.

The boy brains were all over the ground, THIS made my stomach twist..I had to throw up. His lifeless body will burn a hole in my memory forever now. My first kill.

I knelt down next to the boy and scooped up the bullets that had fallen nearby. By me watching crime shows late at night, I knew that bullets were traceable. What I didn't know was how hot the damn bullet would be. I ignored it knowing I needed to flee the scene.


KD car pulled up beside me as I ran down sidewalks out of the alley, like a wild animal I was. KD pressed on the brakes, causing the truck to make a loud screeching noise as it halted. I didn't hesitate to jump in the truck and slam the door shut.

KD gave me a serious look while I panted hard from both fear and running. I couldn't meet his eyes just yet, so I stared straight ahead wondering what the fuck I just did.

My hands never stopped shaking but I hid it from KD. I must of been sweating like mad because my entire body was on fire. I should take this dumb ass hoodie off. Nextly, I did just that by shredding it off my body and letting the window down to feel the cold breeze on my fired up skin. It helped that KD was a mighty fast driver.

In no time we were pulling up to KD's apartment. We both exit the the car and went inside without an exchange of words. KD, off the bat, imstructed me to take the clothes off and that he would burn them. I went to his bathroom and did just that.
It was no surprise to me that blood made it onto my hands, face and arms. I showered in cold water to bring myself some sort of punishment for what I did.

Once finished, I step out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. KD handed me some clothes from his dresser and took me back home. He told me I could keep the gun and the one grand for committing my first hit.

"You could be a good assassin lil sis. Did you get em?" His eyes got wider and the happiness in his voice rang clear in my ears. There was absolutely no regret making me do this.

He wasn't planning on me to kill again was he? But what could I do? It's not like I wasn't poor because I was, I didn't go to a good school and it's even harder to find a good job, not to mention my mama didn't work, and someone had to pay bills and put food on the table. Being an assassin could have it's advantages, but this was something to think over.

I cleared my throbbing throat before speaking. "Yeah I got em KD."

KD face was expressionless. KD nodded once.
I miss my who he use to be..
He have seen so much and done so many things in his life, it's no wonder why he's such a savage. Not only did he lose close friends and relatives, but in a way, I believe he has gone mad. Long time ago.

Maybe, it's just a dog eat dog where I come from and to make it to the top, you have to do grimey things, cause it's a grimey world.

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