Chapter 11

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"Don if you don't leave my lovely lady alone I swear to god." Jenna growled and couldn't keep her death stare off of Don.

Don tapped his chin not taking his eyes off me. I in return did the same and crossed my arms.

"It's..just it sucked that he was a snitch. He got alot of my folks jammed up, but he was like another brother to me. He wanted to get off easy cuz he got caught with 2 kilos of coke on the night of Christmas eve. Now you're a smart girl Skin, and you know what happen to snitches right?" Don face was lit up in amusement. What was wrong with this man? "We did some work together but he would of done anything to get back home to you, and KD, and that doped up girl he was with."

There was this burning in my throat which I couldn't control. My eyes wanted to push out tears but my dad was killed when I was only 4, so the emotional connection to him wasn't great. At the end of the day that was my father and wrong or not my heart will feel out for him

"That all you got?" I choked the words out. "Did you fucking kill him too? Cuz of yo bum as workers or thug ass niggas?" I spat the word out, infuriated and all.

Jenna out of nowhere smacked Don right across the face that sounded louder than any smack I heard. My jaw dropped and eyes lit up in amazement.

"Holy shit!" I turned around to see that JJ and Paul had the same expression I did a second ago. Don cleared his throat and signaled Carlos. When Carlos appeared with a few beers, Don shook his head with his jaw clinched tightly. There was also a spec of blood lingering from his bottom lip.
"Something stronger." He quietly commanded.

I was so satisfied that I cupped Jenna face who by the way was still frowning, and pulled her into a long kiss. I could literally feel her body ease into my arms. She no longer frowned but she didn't smile either.

"Why the fuck did you do that!"I whispered in her ear after breaking away from the kiss.

"He was wrong as fuck and I'm a strong woman." She replied calmly while playing in my hair.

"Don are you okay?" I heard Paul call out to him with JJ by his side making their way to the jacuzzi They must of shared the same thoughts as me. Why did Don take a hit like that? Why haven't he exploded yet?

Don let out a low laugh looking back at the both of them as they entered the jacuzzi.

"Damn right I'm ok! My niece been slapping the sense in me since she was 13."
Don grinned and received a bottle of Hennessy from Carlos. He looked over to Jenna and gave her a little nod while he held up the bottle of Hennessy.

He hesitated when he met my gaze, but eventually gave me a nod too before opening up his bottle and chugging it straight.

JJ ended up sitting near me but not close cause well he knew better. Paul sat next to Don, drinking and exchanging words that I didn't bother to pay attention to.

Jenna huffed and all of the sudden she didn't seem to want to be here. As if she was disinterested in this situation currently. I didn't want to ask her what wasze wrong until later on maybe. Her down mood made me even feel uneasy so uneasy that I placed my head on her shoulders hoping to bring comfort.

It must has because she started stroking my hair slowly and placing small kisses on my forehead. I looked at Paul who was giving me a thumbs up and raising his eyebrows up and down.

I chuckled but buried my blushing face in Jenna's neck.

"Stop looking at her Wooda or I will snap ya ankle at the fighting pits." Jenna hissed.

I looked over at JJ who was only smirking. He just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, as if he didn't understand why Jenna suddenly snapped.

"Calm down now Jen, I am fighting Skin this Saturday. KD think she needs it and I'm going easy on her." JJ shrugs as if it was the most normal thing to fight a girl. What a dickhead.

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