Chapter 4

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I pulled up to KD apartment with Paul, and hoped out the car. Paul and I didn't speak much on our way, but that's just Paul he never said too much of anything. KD opened his apartment door, welcoming us inside. He nodded and gave dap to Paul, but pulled me into a strong hug as Paul was already inside.

"How you doing sis?" He asked sounding emotionless in his usual monotone. KD was fairly tall, standing at Atheist 6inches he had an athletes body type, being slender but muscular. Despite the tatted tear drops on his face, that represented murders commited by him, I still knew he was a caring person. He was just a bad guy killing bad guys..think of it in that way. That's what I tell myself. That's the only way to see it.

"I'm ok KD." I lied.

KD didn't appear too convinced, but he was so hard to read I could never tell what he was thinking, or how he felt about anything; KD was like a blank book.

"First one always the worst right?" My brother asked this casually. He rolled his shoulders, keeping close attention to my demeanor. Hopefully it told a story of confidence even if false.

I bite down on my bottom lip. I didn't want KD thinking I was weak, but he must of seen the stress on my face that I've tried to cover up so hard; Then again maybe KD just know how these things work out.

"It's ok sis, that's why we here. You want to make money right? Move out the hood, get a better place to live, put some food on the table. None of that is going to happen unless you put in work."

I started to respond but KD cut me off.

"You know why I had you kill that boy?"

I shook my head slowly looking at the ground.

"Well sis.." KD gently grabbed my chin so that I was looking him dead in the eye before continuing. "I did it to see if you had the hunger, the guts and heart to do what you did. You think I don't know about how poor you and ma' are?"

I felt a tear escape from my eyes and KD wiped it away quickly. The sudden touch of the rough, dry skin caused me to jump at the unexpected touch. This only shows more stress that KD acknowledged but chose to not address it.

"You are strong sis. That's why I'm going to tell you everything about the streets. You're going to be the first female to join BBK and its too late to turn around now."

"Come meet the squad, you already know most." He grinned, wrapping his arm around my neck as he stood to my side. Attempting to bring comfort I suppose. None was brought.

Once fully inside of KD's apartment, I was immediately anxiety induced by the ammout of people inside one space. Where the hell did they all park? If this was a family reunion, it should had been thrown outside instead.

"Yo fam!" KD hollered, gaining everyone's attention.

All focused eyes were on me. I was already feeling anxious of the attention being centered on some skinny seventeen year old. If I felt it, maybe they could see it.

"Fam most of y'all know my sis Skin, I want all of y'all to make her the best damn assassin to ever lived." KD started laughing and so did some of the others.

"Naw for real though, Skin is with us now. She is BBK baby." KD announced with another chuckle. Keeping everything short and sweet, down to the point was KD's style. Not making it some huge announcement brought an ease to my tense shoulders and erupting heart.

I really did see a lot of people I knew because we were family, so it didn't feel too awkward.

"Yo Skin! Come smoke with me girl!" I heard Paul shout from the kitchen. I made my way past family members that hugged and greeted me. Just about everyone had tattoos but me; I made my way to the kitchen to see that there was more than six men posted up against the wall, socializing and taking shots. I also noticed crazy amount of drugs sitting on the kitchen table. Hell everyone had a blunt in their hand but me; Back to the drugs, there was just everything from pills to weed just bags of drugs lined up on the table.

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