Chapter 18

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"Skin?" I think you need to wake up."

I groaned and flung the covers over my head. Still tired and weak. Why did I have to get up that was the last thing I wanted to do. I was already fast asleep after that thought, snuggled up in complete warmth.


I jumped up looking around the room until I found Jenna standing up on the other side of the bed looking in complete discomfort.

"Jen what's wrong?" I yawned and wiped my eyes.

"Skin..your mama. She." Jenna stopped talking. She crossed her arms and paced around the room in a circle with her head down.

"My mama?" I questioned. Still rubbing my tired eyes and stretching out my stiff body

"Yeah! She had.. Was burned to death!" Jenna shouted angrily at the floor.

"Quit playing Jenna! And take me to see my fucking mama now!"

Jenna still was looking at the floor but she eventually nodded and only looked at me for a second before she grabbed the keys off her dresser.

I wiped my teary eyes and without too much thought, put on a pair of jeans and a black sweater. My mind was filled with denial and questions, but none I wanted to ask unless I see my mama at home where she belonged.

Jenna drove as fast as she could, running stop signs and speeding through traffic like a Nascar racer. I would of told her to slow down, but the entire time I was gripping the side door and starring straight ahead at other passing cars.

I was more pissed than anything and and the same time numb to it all. With all I have done and seen in the last past week I was almost out of fucks to give. I noticed that as Jenna turned down my street. I could see my house was black as coal.

"I swear to God Skin..when me and Paul did our thing your mama..she was a mess but she was alive, cleaning, moving around all this other shit but..ya know dead."

Jenna was shaking her
head in disbelief. There was no eye contact while she gazed at the kids playing basketball in front of Paul house with her head pressed up against the window. She appears sincere and in deep thought, I had nothing to say nothing to feel. Half of me don't want to admit that I'm relieved and infuriated at myself, KD, and my mama. Communication as always been broken in our household so it's no surprise KD didn't call, pick me up, or informed me properly.

"Nah..I don't care anymore. Let's just go back home. I seen it."

Jenna said nothing, she only started the car, hesitated to look my way, then drove off.

"We should go somewhere." I suggested. Finally looking Jenna's way.

She shrugged. "You choose and I go."

"I got some real anger to let.." I nearly choked on my words so I clear my throat then continue. "I need to let go of some can you take me to the fighting pits?"

Jenna chuckled but responded fast.

"Hell yeah I can take you. There's a few fights going on tonight at around 11pm. You sure? Gets pretty fucked up."

I gave her face of "are you serious?"

She only smiled and rubbed my knee before driving off.
When I checked my phone I didn't get not one text from Paul or KD. I huffed but decided to call KD anyway. He didn't answer. I tried over and over and over.
KD was ignoring my calls, which is something he didn't do often.

I even called JJ that was how eagerly I was to get information out of them, but again no answer. I was starting to feel all alone. I had no one to talk to.
I got disappointed when Paul didn't answer either, more like incredibly sad.

Jenna noticed me in distress but only had concern written over her face.

"Jenna how the hell did you end up doing shit for KD and Paul anyway?" I questioned.

Jenna chuckled. Took her eyes off the road to give me a blank stare before answering.

"Shit like what?" She fired back.

"You know what I mean why do they fucking call you for shit like making people into-"

"Because.." Jenna cut me off.

"I wanted to get close to you." She admitted this but she wouldn't look at me, only giving me a side glance.

"I just ended up going to a party that an old friend hosted. Hella people was there including your brother and JJ. We got to talking and I could tell these was some wild niggas. So I ask the dudes if they ever had trouble getting rid of evidence. KD looked all serious and shit and he said sometimes. I told him what I did and all and he was like we can work something out."

Jenna cleared her throat and continued.
"I kinda knew who KD and his people was because of my uncle. He always had mixed feelings for your people. So being a concerned niece that I am..I use to drive around block after block. Just peeping shit out with your people's, and you was always sitting out on your porch braiding kids hair or chilling with KD."

Jenna eyes met mines once we ran into a red light.
"I know you was younger..but if you would of seen you Skin. You use to wear these amazzzing sundresses, ass looking good, skin clear as ever, and my god..when you ate that ice cream.." Jenna was almost talking to her self now as she looked away and put a finger in her mouth.

I was speeches. Couldn't find the words to say. My pussy did the talking herself. I slightly rubbed my thighs together with both my hands in between them, as I rubbed them also. All I could think about is sex ever since Jenna did what she did to me in this very car.

"Don't think I'm creepy for that?" She asked.

"Not entirely." I joked. I was rather flattered.

"Skin..I'm so sorry about your mama..if I was there with her the entire time.."

"No." I cut her off keeping my eyes shut. Trying not to vision her body burned to death in the only home I ever knew.

"Don't even try to feel guilty Jenna."

I hear Jenna take a deep breath.

"I'm gonna kill them all." I whispered to my self so lowly that Jenna wouldn't even be able to make out what I said.

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