Chapter 26

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7 months later..

I'm still a mess. I can afford to pay rent for my apartment now, my gas tank is always on full, I go to the movies every Saturday, and I even found a wondering baby pitbull a few weeks ago when I was finishing up a hit. Come to think of it, it could of been the lady I killed, fleeing pet. Either way he was good company because I was short of it.
Every now and then I try to keep in touch with the Erica's but it was hard because they were college kids.

That didn't stop them from coming over every other month to catch up and smoke weed with me then vibe to some records. We drink, play truth or dare, watch old 80's and 90's movie, and after that the Erica's would try and drag me to a college party and I refuse every single damn time. Now they know I'm a loner and not the party type, yet it didn't faze them. As the Erica's would put it, I'm their very own hidden gem. They must enjoy my company more than I thought.

Now about Donnie. We some how went to doing strictly business to Donnie becoming my one and only friend. We actually had a lot more in common then ever imaginable. We we're the same age, we enjoy playing video games, both of us were "bi-sexual", favorite show game of thrones, hated people and school, and to put the icing on the cake we both wanted to leave St. Louis.

Donnie had the money to do so, but not the balls. He's not ready to leave mommy and daddy just yet.

Donnie's files were slowing down and I was happy also but none the less curious why he had so many problems with people in the first place. I recall asking him a question, similar to my thought and he would tell me it's not just for him but his entire family.

"Six." I say to myself. I was staring up at my bedroom ceiling, unable to get any sleep tonight.

Six people I've murdered for the sake of money. Donnie help with setting up a bank account for me. I was more than grateful. I didn't like the fact that I had to hide money around me in the first place, it had me buying more guns than I wanted. Talk about paranoid. You would be too if there was 45,000 dollars under the bed.

No longer the case. It's all in my bank safe and sound, waiting for more deposits. That was the best part about all of this. The freedom that money gave you. Get anything go anywhere. Hell I even visited Memphis with Donnie a few months back.

The only thing money didn't do for me was make me truly happy. Sounded corny but once you're done shopping and having a fucking ball with your money you still have to go home and wallow in your shit. Money was just a perfect distraction from love.

Speaking of love..I made sure that Donnie and I had a strict agreement that he wouldn't dare tell Kelly that I completed my first set of kills of the year for him and his family, or that I'm here in this very apartment. I trust him too. Kelly haven't showed up here and she can't call me.

I'm terrified that she would see me as ugly and not look at me the same. When I think about it my chest gets tight and I want to cry but I don't, and haven't since that night downtown.

I miss Jenna too. I want to kiss her, talk to her, and hangout like the old days. Not a day goes by that I wish Kelly and Jenna would sleep in this very bed with me, and it's selfish to want both but I do and didn't care.

My birthday was tomorrow and I was going to spend it alone with me and my pitbull, who I named "Brock." I wanted him to sound tough like that WWE fighter who went to fight in the UFC, but left that also.

I huffed and petted Brock who lays next to me asleep. I really loved having Brock here almost as much as I love Donnie's friendship.

"Don't be a quitter like Brock.. Brock." I pet his black fur until I feel my stomach rubbling.

I groaned. "Go to bed tummy I'm not hungry."

I try to ignore it but my stomach is fed up. I'm honestly a little annoyed that I was being this lazy and uncaring of my body. I actually don't think I ate today. I've been drinking and smoking weed and cigarettes all fucking day. I sighed.

"Sorry tummy." I make a pouty face and drag my feet into the kitchen. My apartment was more of a studio so I should start saying that instead.

I eat a few fruit snacks and drink plenty of water so I could at least feel like I was full. I'm trying to fool my body ya see.

I jumped back in bed and kinda scared Brock too, because he ran on all fours out my room as if he just heard a gunshot.

"Worthless." I chuckled. "So much for being tough.."

I check to see if I had any missed calls or texts. I do. It's only from Donnie, but it's enough.

"Busy with studying and finals so b4 I forget......Happy 18th birthday bf!!!"

I smiled at that and text back with tons of heart emojis then get a crazy ideal out of nowhere. Donnie is really good at finding people so I decided to text him the real names of KD, and Paul. I don't know J.J's full name so I don't mention him.

"When you have free time dig into your big brain and help me get info on these 2"

I put my phone back on the charger then proceeded with trying to fall asleep. It doesn't work. It's like this every night. All I do is toss and turn, and groan and moan. Now my regular bed time is passing out on the couch at six in the morning watching SpongeBob.

I wake up on the couch with my hand still in a bowl of popcorn. I don't remember falling asleep but my eyes are heavy still. I place the popcorn my gun? Funny, I'm having a hard time remembering sitting in front of a t.v with a 9mm.

"Annnnd you're loosing it again Skin." I yawned and stretched out on the couch accidentally kicking the popcorn bowl on to the wooden floor.

I hear Brock claws tapping against the floors until he reaches where the kettle popcorn lays and start snacking away.

"Huh...thanks Brock. Wonder if you will pick up that bowl too.."

There's a knock at the door. I grab my pistol without hesitation and stump to the door.

"Who the fuck is it?" I called out.

No answer.

"What.." I opened the door slightly to peak out into the hall. Nothing.

I shut my door and lock it. I'm puzzled but not afraid. "Prank? Kids? Donnie?..fucking with me?"

I'm saying my thoughts out loud now. I ignore what mysterious knock I just heard and take a shower instead to get the day started. I had no jobs to do for Donnie, like I said. I'm done for the rest of the year, I'm basically on vacation.

I comb my hair in the mirror, unable to stop staring at the long scar across my face. Donnie say it looks badass and oddly added to my natural beauty. He was so sweet to have me think otherwise about a now major insecurity of mines.

I head to my wardrobe after my shower to put on a black silky dress that had a slit in the middle for my legs to show nicely, not to mention it showed my boobs just a tiny bit. Nothing wrong with a little teasing. Now that I think about it, Donnie was the one who gassed me up to love my lady curves and wear more sexy clothing.

Donnie also brought me these pair of Gucci heels that were black and real gold at the bottom. He claims that the shoe was custom made for his mama but she hated them, so Donnie give them to me instead. I wear them with the outfit. I test out how I would of walked in them and scared myself with how well and natural I looked stepping around the wooden floors in the loud heels.

"She's crazy they are so beautiful friend..thank you."

Even if I said I was doing nothing, I couldn't just sit here and do nothing on my birthday with punk ass Brock? Hell no. I will take myself out to eat, I will shop and get a new tattoo..maybe even a piercing.

Birthday here I come..

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