// Two //

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The car hit the lamppost right next to her. 

But she still wasn't too safe as the extremely heavy metal street lamp came hurling at her.

Sophie shot her hands in the air and Adora felt like she was dreaming. The lamppost was... floating! In the air! Adora let out a gasp before running towards Sophie. 

Fitz and Adora had a weird little fight trying to get ahead of each other. 

"Set it down." Fitz said, very clearly startling Sophie, she dropped her hands immediately. 

 Before anyone could realize what was happening, Adora tackled Sophie on the ground and quickly rolled over with her just as the street lamp fell once more. Adora quickly got up and helped Sophie up. She didn't even bother dusting off before scolding Sophie and asking if she was okay. She grabbed her bag and pulled out a bandaid pack and some wound-disinfectant spray she kept in case Amy-Sophie's little sister- got hurt. She started covering up Sophie's wounds with bandaids. 

"How did you do that." Fitz asked. 

"I have no idea." Sophie flinched at the spray. Adora mumbled a quick sorry. 

"We need to get out of here." Fitz said. Adora glared at him before seeing the driver and realizing that they did in fact need to run. 

Adora was also too busy with treating Sophie's scratches than to argue when they were pulled down the street. 

Sophie directed them to the zoo parking lot. "Smart." She whispered to her.

Once they got into the Zoo Parking lot, they stood in an area where there were people, they wouldn't get run over and they both relaxed. Adora crumpled the bandaid wrappers and tossed them in a nearby trash can. 

"What do you want?" Sophie asked.

"I'm here to help, I promise. Please don't hurt me again." He looked warily at Adora, who said nothing. 

"Why were you looking for me?" She tugged on an eyelash. 

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish. "I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you." 

"How am I supposed to trust you if you won't answer my questions?" Sophie asked. Adora sat down on the pavement next to Sophie. 

"Fine." He gave in. "I don't know much but my father sent me to find you. We've been looking for a specific girl and I was supposed to observe and then report back to him like always. I wasn't even supposed to talk to you." He seemed disappointed in himself. "I just couldn't make sense of you!" 

"What does that mean?" 

"It means you're.. different from what I expected. Your eyes really threw me off." He answered. 

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Sophie touched her eyes self-consciously. 

Adora tugged on Sophie's pant leg. "Your eyes are beautiful." 

Fitz looked at Adora. "Right... you... I thought it was you for a second, but your eyes aren't really blue and then she started floating stuff... there's only supposed to be one of you and you really can't be hearing this..." 

Adora flicked her taser on again, letting it crackle. "I go where she goes. We're a package deal." Adore threatened. 

Fitz nodded. "I suppose it's fine..." Fitz thought they could just erase her memory. Hell if she even tried telling someone they would think she's crazy. He directed his attention back to Sophie. "We all have blue eyes. So when I saw your eyes, I assumed we had the wrong girl again. But we didn't." He looked at her in awe. "You're really once of us." 

Talentless // Fitz VackerWhere stories live. Discover now