// EXILE //

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( YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY I love exile, my baby. Also fair warning, this is the start of this entire plot line starts shoving my music tastes own your throats sooo have fun, if you wanna listen to new music you'll be fine lol. I swear the songs genuinely have meaning and make sense to the story, you can imagine your own songs but I'm not sure if they'll fit better to the plot line  Spoiler: Adora has like a popstar arc so that's fun) 

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"I can't believe Sophie actually agreed to tracking Bigfoot with Grady and Dex. Not like Sandor had much of a choice." Adora discussed with Edaline over breakfast. Grady and Sophie had eaten earlier due to the hunting. 

"I'd rather do something here." Edaline agreed, taking a bite of Brattails they were eating. "Do you want to help me bake Ripplefluffs later today?" 

"Would I ever!" Adora exclaimed, putting her dishes away. 

A gnome quickly shuffled into the kitchen and alerted Edaline of an issue. 

Gnomes looked more like plants and creatures. Think yassified E.T. They're skin looked like tree bark, and they didn't need to sleep. They basically photosynthesise because the only reason they eat is because they enjoy it. They typically wear clothes woven from plants and are about the same height as a 2nd grader. 

"Adora! Can you calm down the Gorgonops's? They're throwing a tantrum again and they're not listening to anything." 

"On it! Can I have my guitar?" Edaline used her conjuring skills to poof her guitar into Adora's hands. "Thank you! Lead the way!" The gnome took her hand and off they ran to the Gorgonops's exclosure. 

Dex had recently given her a little add on to her bass, instead of having to hurl her amp all the way to wherever she wanted to practice, now all she needed was a little chip that she kept  plugged in at all times. 

There they were. Sophie had described them as Sabertooth tigers and a giant fanged rat—Adora feels that they have bit of a hippo feel to them but look aside, these things had terrible tempers and aggressive tendencies even after being rehabilitated. 

Adora nearly fell as she ran over and began to tune her guitar. 

Almost immediately, the beasts stopped fighting, hearing the familiar twang of the strings. The waited patiently for the music to begin. They separated themselves into groups.

Adora nodded at the gnome who raised their hand and began to conduct. Her usual gnome conductor was her dear friend Ronni who typically worked with the dinosaurs with Grady. 

Adora started to play the intro of the song  "The Alternative" by Lyn Lapid, and the Gorgonops on the right began to stomp their feet as drums and Adora sang the lyrics. Gorgonops on the left became background singers, squeaking and roaring their way through the chorus.

Soon enough, after the second time playing the song, the Gorgonops became tired and soon settled down to relax, listening to Adora play the song for them. Adora high fived Ronni who ran back to her usual work. 

The Gorgonops began to give Adora death glares because she stopped playing so Adora sat down on the grass outside their exclosure and began playing softly again, singing so they'd stop glaring. 

Soon loud snores began to fill the air so Adora stopped singing and slowly ended the song. 

Adora walked over to her usual spot near Verdi, their resident T-rex. Verdi had been particularly salty recently as she is not a fan of her vegetarian diet and Adora didn't want to get too close because Verdi has tried munching on Adora's hair multiple times. 

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