// twelve //

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"Oi. Get up sleepyhead." Adora hit Sophie with a pillow. 

'I'm gonna have to get used to that aren't I." Sophie asked. 

"Yup! Also, do we really have to wear this?" Adora held up the uniforms. "They aren't...bad but... why?" 

"Unfortunately." Sophie was so glad Adora was here. She wouldve felt so alone. She also had Dex coming over to get them for school. 

They both got dressed, Sophie tried weird gadgets that Alden's wife, Della gave her. She wasn't sure which was were for school and which weren't. Adora sat down and read her fairytales. 

Sophie let Dex inside and Adora stifled a laugh. "Oh honey..." she said. "You poor thing." 

Adora and Sophie were wearing a blue pleated skirt with black leggings and a shirt-vest-cape thing. Dex had to wear a blue lace up sleeveless jacket over a black long sleeve with blue slacks. He too, had a cape. 

"What's with the capes?" Sophie asked. 

"I know, they're stupid right?" Adora agreed with Dex instantly. "But they're a sign of status so we have to wear them." 


"Yeah, haven't you noticed that only the nobility have them? Foxfire is the only noble school- meaning you have to go there in order to be nobility — so we wear cape to demonstrate that. At least next year we get rid of the wimpy Halcyon. We'll be masterdons!" 

"Bless you." Adora added confused. 

Dex laughed. "Each grade level has a mascot. Level two is Halcyon, thee dumb birds that can sense when a storm is coming. But level three is a Mastodon, so at the opening we get to dress in these cool elephant costumes! Be glad you missed the halcyon costumes. We looked like idiots." 

Ah yes. Embarrassing students on the first day of school. How thoughtful

"Hey, you guys are wearing the Ruewen crest!" Dex said, pointing to the triangle patch sewn into where the cape hung over the heart. A scarlet eagle soaring with a white rose in its talons. 

His patch was a square and it looked like a bunch of chemistry equipment twisted into a tree. "We wear our family's crest on our capes! If Grady and Edaline are letting you wear theirs, they must be serious, are they adopting you?"

Adora and Sophie looked at eachother. Adora shrugged. "I don't know..."

"Me neither..." 

"Where are they anyways?" Dex started looking around. 

"A gnome ran in during breakfast and yelled something about a manticore stinging a stegosaurus and they both ran off." 

"And people say my parents are weird." 

"It's pretty crazy here, but they seem nice." 

"They have great food." 

"Grady and Edaline? Oh yeah, they're great. They keep to themselves a lot because of what happened to Jolie. I never knew them before it happened but my mom said they used to throw these huge parties that everyone looked forward to all year. Now they never leave their house. So weird."

Sophie shrugged. "A lot of people are never the same after someone they love dies." 


"Yeah... it's difficult to deal with emotionally." Adora explained. "You guys don't get a lot of that do you? Death I mean." 

"How often does it happen to humans?" 

"Way more often." 

"My mom thinks that it'll be good for them having you guys around." Dex told them. "Maybe they'll get over it. Oh! My mom said to give this to you Adora!" 

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