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"Stop fiddling." Adora slapped Sophie's hand away from her dress as she did Sophie's hair. "I'm almost done, hold still." Adora twisted Sophie's hair a bit, part of it up as she put on a green butterfly clip to keep it together. "There! Is my chain tangled?" 

Adora and Sophie were feeling very out of place in their matching green dresses. It felt wrong to go to a cemetery in a green dress instead of the traditional black but Edaline said in the lost cities, you wear green because it's the colour of life. 

Adora's dress was more of an olive while Sophie's was an emerald. Adora was trying to embrace the colouring by changing out her jewellery to a green. She even added a gold chain with little green crystals to her hair that dangled. 

"You're good." Sophie smiled, still adjusting her dress. 

"You girls look beautiful," Grady said as he peeked his head around the door to the bedroom. Adora did a little bow in thanks and twirled around a bit. 

Sophie smiled. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Thanks. But I truly hate these things." He tugged at his green velvet cloak as he stepped into the room. "Whoever decided we should wear capes was an idiot." 

"I hear you..."  Adora admired her dress. It felt like putting a jacket on a halloween costume, why wear such a pretty dress if you're just going to cover it with a giant cape? 

Sophie also didn't have anything good to say about the capes, he hated them the women she had seen their ridiculous school uniforms with it's stupid elbow-length monstrosity. 

But capes were a part of the nobility and while Grady and Edaline had tried to escape themselves from that life, the Council would never let Grady fully resign. His ability as a Member was too rare and important. 

"Need help with yours?" Grad offered. 

Adora shook her head, Grady gave her a clasp to put on her cloak instead of her school one before helping Sophie with hers. 

Adora's eyes glittered as she saw the yellow diamond encrusted eagle, soaring with a ruby rose in it's talons. "The Ruewen crest?" Adora squeaked. 

Grady nodded, securing the same one on Sophie's. "Are you sure you want to—"

"I'm sure." 

"Do you...not want us to go?" Sophie asked. 

"We always want you with us. I'm just afraid you don't realise how heard this will be."

Adora already had her fair share of family issue she's gotten through. Between her parent's constant fighting and divorce to her father getting arrested for embezzlement of his company funds—and then calling him from in jail only to get a spew of insulting words and another argument and on top of that, her parent dating again all happily ever after when her father got out on good behaviour when she disappeared to the lost cities—she was pretty sure she could handle this.

Sophie held his hand and Adora went in for another hug. "I know, but we're family right?"

"We definitely are. I love you girls." He whispered. 

Adora wanted to cry, instead blinking rapidly and hugging him tighter. "I love you too, dad." 

"I love you too" Sophie echoed, the word 'dad' getting stuck on her tongue. 

Adora didn't blame Sophie for that. It was so easy for Adora to see Grady and Edaline as her parents, being more supportive and attentive then her parents ever were. But Sophie came from a loving family where she was a cat, a sister and both her parents. 

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