// Three //

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Sophie seemed to be in some sort of trance, her eyes watered a bit. Adora engulfed Sophie in a hug. 

"Hey it's not your fault." Fitz nudged her arm. "You believed everything they taught you- I'm sure I would've done the same thing. But it's time you knew the truth. This is how the world works. It's not magic. It's just how it is." 

Adora grabbed her worry-beads out of her bag and handed them to Sophie who slipped it on immediately and started fiddling. 

Just then a loud bell rang and Fitz quickly dragged them behind a giant rock. Adora was in the back and couldn't see literally anything. 

"Goblins." Fitz whispered. "Probably the most dangerous creatures you'll ever meet. It's why it's good they signed the treaty." 

"Then why are we hiding?" Sophie asked. 

"We're dressed like - and we have a - human. Humans are forbidden in the Lost Cities. Especially here in Lumenaria. Lumenaria is where all the other worlds come together. Gnomes, Goblins, Trolls, Ogres..." He listed. 

"Why are humans forbidden?" Sophie asked while Adora questioned the creatures he mentioned. 

They carefully moved to a further rock. "They betrayed us. The ancient councillors offered them the same treaty and they agreed. They then decided that they wanted to rule the world like as if that's how that's works and they started planning a war. The ancients didn't want violence so they disappeared and forbid any contact with humans and then left the humans to their own devices. You can see how that worked out." 

This just had more questions added to the list Adora had. 

"Do you have some history book I can catch up on?" Adora asked. It would be so much easier to read the entire story. Adora zoned out for a bit, trying to wrap her head around the fact that this is where her best friend was really from. 

Sophie tapped on her shoulder. "It's time to go back home." 

The smoky ash in the air was very jarring after the sweet air in the "lost cities." They were a bit away from Sophie's house. Sophie and Adora looked at each other, wondering how on earth he knew where she lived but decided against asking. 

Fitz cough, glared at the sky and waved his hands in-front of his nose. "You'd think humans could handle putting out a few fires before the smoke pollutes the whole planet." 

"They're working on it." Sophie defended. "Plus these aren't normal fires. The arsonist used some sort of chemical when he started them, they're burning white hot and the smoke smells sweet." 

"We haven't found anything to snuff them out super effectively." Adora said. "Hospitals are having to deal with quite a lot. People with asthma, or any other difficulty breathing aren't advised to go outside." 

"Arsonists." Fitz shook his head. "Why would anyone want to watch the world burn?" 

"I don't know..." Sophie admitted. She'd asked herself the same question and she wasn't sure of the answer. "Are you leaving?" 

Fitz had his pathfinder out. "I have to find out what my dad wants to do now—if he even knows. Neither of us thought you would be the girl. He's not going to be happy I took you to our cities, even if we were careful. Please don't tell anyone about what you saw? He's also going to be pretty pissed I brought a human." 

Adora crossed her fingers "I promise I won't tell." 

"Fitz? Why can't I hear your thoughts?" Sophie asked. 

"I still can't believe you're a telepath." He shook his head. 

"Aren't all elves telepaths?" Adora asked. 

"No it's a special ability. One of the rarer ones. And you're only twelve right?" 

"I'll be thirteen in 6 months." Sophie protested. 

"That's really young. They said I was the youngest to manifest telepath, and I didn't start reading minds until I was thirteen."

"I've been hearing thoughts since I was five..." 

"FIVE?!" he calmed down. "Are you sure?" 

"Positive." She popped the p. "Is that wrong?" 

"I have no idea..." He narrowed his eyes. 

"What are you doing?" Adora asked cautiously. 

"Are you blocking me" he asked Sophie. Adora blinked. 

"I don't even know what that is." Sophie took a step back. 

"It's a way to keep telepaths out. Kind of like putting a wall around your mind." 

"Is that why I can't hear you?" 

"Maybe. Can you tell me what I'm thinking right now?" 

"I told you. I don't hear your thoughts the way I do with other people." 

"That's because humans have weak minds" Fitz, ignoring the look of fake hurt on Adora's face. "But I mean in you listen can you hear me?" 

"I don't know... I haven't tried to read a mind before..." Sophie said. "Not to mention, I never hear Adora's thoughts." 

"Trust your instincts. Concentrate."

After a little while of Adora filing her nails, Sophie blurted out "You've never felt a mind as quiet as mine?" 

"You heard me?" He paled. 

"Was I not supposed to?" Sophie asked concerned. 

"No one else can."

"And you can't read mind no matter how hard you try?" 

Fitz shook his head. "Not even when I try my hardest. Can you try reading her mind?" He pointed at Adora. 

Sophie tried. "No?" 

"Neither can I..." Fitz looked at her confused. 

"Why?" Sophie asked. 

"I have no idea. Pair it with where you live, the eyes, whatever is happening with you-" Fitz looked at Adora. 

"Thanks." She deadpanned. 

"I need to ask my dad." He concluded. 

"Wait! You can't leave now." Sophie argued. She was fiddling with the worry beads a lot, probably extremely confused. I mean Adora was confused and she was "Human" 

"I have to, I've been gone for too long. You also need to get home." 

"Will we see you again?" She asked. 

"Of course. I'll be back tomorrow." 

"How will I find you?"

He flashed a smile. "Don't worry. I'll find you." 

Talentless // Fitz VackerWhere stories live. Discover now