// twenty //

251 1 13

Foxfire looked so different compared to what it was yesterday. 

Silver streamers wrapped every tree, every bush, every tower and confetti was heavily sprinkled across the halls. 

Giant bubbles were wandering around the halls too. 

Grady and Edaline were too overwhelmed, they went straight to their first mentor appointment. Sophie and Adora celebrated themselves. 

"Cmon! Let's drop off our presents!" Adora was so excited to plop presents into her friends thinking caps. It was like Christmas! But better and more stressful. 

They made their way to the level four wing. Girls were practically lined up near Fitz locker, Sophie nicely placed hers in the hat. Adora, not wanting to get close to the girls who looked like they wanted to rip Sophie and Adora's heads off, threw her dark blue gift  in from a distance. She was  very pleased when it landed properly. 

Sophie and Adora quickly placed their gift for Keefe in his box and ran off into the other direction  back to their own tower. 

They ran straight into Tiergan. 

"Sorry!" Sophie exclaimed, they both struggled to regain balance, Adora was directly knocked onto the floor, she quickly got up and dusted off before helping Sophie up. 

"Sophie!" Tiergan looked around. "What are you doing here?" 

"We just came to drop off some gifts. Why is everything okay?" 

Tiergan smiled but it looked rather forced. "Of course, I just didn't expect to run into you here. Especially so literally." Tiergan's smile turned real at this joke. 

"Hello! We've never formally met before. I'm Adora." Adora greeted.

"Ah yes, the other especially unique..." Tiergan seemed to be remembering something. "Next time Sophie has telepathy training... would you mind joining her?" 

"No problem." Adora smiled. "That is if I pass." She added, the stress slowly sinking back into her. She put a smile on her face and let the stress scatter out of her brain. 

"Well, well... who do we have here?" 

Keefe? Adora thought but when she turned around, Keefe was not even holding his trademark grin. In fact, he wasn't even the one who spoke. 

A tall, slender man in sapphire encrusted navy blue cape stood next to him, studying the two of them intensely. The family resemblance was uncanny, but Keefe's disheveled hair and untucked tunic was a large contrast to his dads slicked back hair and pristine tunic. 

"These must be the girls who were raised by human." He announced. "How curious to find them in the Level Four Wing, talking to Foxfire's most infamous mentor." 

Adora did a quick bow out of respect before Keefe pulled her back up discreetly. While Sophie politely spoke to his dad, Keefe and Adora seemed to be talking through their eyes, locking eyes and just staring.

When Tiergan spoke up once more, Adora had concluded that she didn't like Keefe's father. He had not given her a reason to disrespect him, so she wasn't going to. But the look in Keefe's eyes was enough for Adora to remember not to make a good note about him. 

"Interesting theory, Cassius—"

"Lord Cassius." Ah, so he's entitled too.

Tiergan looked like he wanted to hit something. "Lord Cassius. But do you really think I could be tempted back by little girls? Especially girls  preforming so unremarkably in their sessions?" Adora fought back a grin, she knew she was in risk of nit getting the required 75% but she studied too hard for her to be doing 'unremarkably.'

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