// ten//

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Adora took the long way home, just so that she could pass Sophie's house. She had read at least 5 stories to the kids and she wanted to check up on if Sophie was there. 

She saw Fitz, outside Sophie house. 

Fitz saw her. Adora walked closer. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"How did you get out the chair?" 

"Talent." She said shortly. "Is Sophie in there?" She gestured to her house, 

"Yeah." Fitz said. Adora almost went inside but then pulled her back. "Wait!" 

Adora looked at him confused. 

"Do you want to remember Sophie?" 

She looked at him incredulously. "Of course I do, I could never forget her!" 

"Do you want to remember what you've seen in the lost cities?" 

She nodded. 

"Do you promise not to tell anyone! I mean anyone." 

"I doubt they would believe me and the only person I would've thought of telling is Sophie."

Fitz looked around nervous. "I need you to run." 


"I don't care how but you need to get out of here. Far away for at least an hour." 


"There are washers coming." 


"Washers, a special type of telepath. They're going to wipe your memories of Sophie and of the Lost Cities. You need to get out of here quickly." He told her. "And you can't go see Sophie's parents ever again." 

She looked down. "She's going away forever... isn't she?" 

Fitz sighed, looking down too. "Yeah..." 

With that, Adora ran into the street and she jumped up onto the back of a moving bus. She held onto a metal pole and leaned out. "Take good care of her!" She yelled. She saw Fitz nod before she moved closer and onto a more safe part of the bus. 

She stayed on the other side of town for 2 hours for hitching a ride on another bus. She sat on the bus, looking out the window for what seemed like forever. 

She went back to Sophie house. She climbed a tree in her back garden and jumped onto a ledge on Sophie's window. She quickly opened the window and climbed in her room. It looked barren. Normal, but it seemed empty. She looked on Sophie's bed and saw a missing spot where Ella usually is. Adora smiled before climbing back out Sophie's window. She walked back to her own apartment. 

Goodbye Sophie...

As if she could hear her, Adora thought she heard Sophie saying bye back to her.


(An, like I said, I label by chapters based on the actual book chapters. I skipped chapter 14 because Adora wouldn't be there for her whole meeting Elwin doctor scene. Here's a scene from chapter 15 and then we move onto Chapter 16 :) ) 


Edaline nodded. Then she took a deep breath. "Welcome to our home..." she said shakily. 

"Thank you for having me." Sophie replaced. 

Edaline smiled but sadness lingered in her eyes, "I hope you can stay for tea." She told Alden. "There's Mallowmelt." 

As they sat down at the table and conversed about powers, Edaline spoke up again. "Apologies if I'm mistaken, but wasn't there supposed to be two girls?" 

Alden dipped his head a little bit, wanting to hide in his mallowmelt. "It didn't work out but there's no reason to worry." 

Edaline nodded. 

Sophie wanted to cry at the mention of her best friend. 

Goodbye Adora...

And as if she could hear her, Sophie thought she heard Adora saying bye back to her.

Talentless // Fitz VackerWhere stories live. Discover now