//six //

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"It's about time," Sophie whispered, even though her hands were shaking. 

Sophie had been waiting for a Back Swan message ever since they had revealed themselves as their rescuers. 

"What does it say again?" Grady asked, touching the compass. 

"Let the past be your guide." 

"Put the charm down, Sophie." Grady ordered, so loud it made her jump. 

"What? Why?" 

"You're not taking another thing from them. If they want your help, they need to turn themselves in to the Council, face up to their actions—"

"What actions?" Adora asked, more curious than anything. Grady always got tense whenever the Black Swan was mentioned. 

"You're acting like they're the bad guys." Sophie added. 

"Grady," Edaline stopped Grady from reacting. "Today is not the day for this." 

Grady sighed, the pain in his eyes was less than discreet. 

"I'm keeping the charm." Sophie mumbled. 

"It's not safe—"

"It's just a charm, Grady," Edaline interrupted. "What are they going to do? Track her with it? They already know where we live!" 

Grady held out his hand. "Let me see it again." Sophie handed it to him and he looked at it form every possible angle. "I supposed Edaline's right," he said through sigh, handing it back. "The charm is not dangerous but the message is. You can do what you want with the compass but don't you dare let them lead you around with the clue. You're not their puppet." 

"I know. But they also rescued us." she reminded him. "They're trying to help. So whatever this message means, I feel like we should figure this out." 

After a moment of silence, Edaline spoke for him. "I think we should show it to Alden. ee what he thinks we should do. Seek a third opinion." 

"Works for me." Sophie stood, dusting grass off of her. "Should I hail him and let him know we're going to Everglen?" 

"Maybe tomorrow?" Adora suggested. "We told Biana we might be over and we still need to visit...uh—Brian?" Adora looked to Edaline who gave a soft smile at her attempt. 

"Brant. But maybe it's better if you don't—"

"No. We're coming with you." Sophie had almost forgotten but know that she remembered and processed the information overload, she was ready to visit Jolie's fiancé. 

"Are you two sure? Seeing Brant is the most upsetting part of the process." 

"Brant's not himself anymore." Grady explained. "It's not easy to see him so...broken." 

"I go where you go," She told them. 

"Okay, Sandor." Adora looked at Sophie for her word choice. 

"An elf lives here?" Sophie questioned. In a city where everything is made from crystal or glass with intricate designs, Brant's home looked...quaint. 

"It looks like my old apartment..." Adora remembered her human apartment back in San Diego. 

It was a simple square, windowless stone structure. Something you would see a human in and you would still question how someone lived there. 

"We had to move Brant somewhere safe." Edaline clutched her satchel with white knuckles. 

The house didn't look that safe. Cold, bleak were both words Adora would use to describe it. The "lawn" was jagged stone and dark dusty soil. 

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