// eight//

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(A/N:  oh and 6k views??? wtf, not to mention over 300 comments??? I love comments! Sorry for all the notifications! I was editing chapter titles) 

Yawning, Adora had tossed and turned the whole night. She kept having these dreams, well almost dreams. Every time she thought a dream was starting to consume her sleeping mind, she'd violently wake up. 

Bright, distorted fragments of unfinished imagery burned in her head. It was useless, she didn't get an ounce of sleep. 

"How does Sophie live like this?" She mumbled to herself, using some of Diana's makeup and potions to rid her dark circles under her eyes. 

Today was the first day back at Foxfire, nerve-racking considering that she's now forced to see people everyday. People who are very aware of her kidnapping and the whole trial-tribunal thing. 

She got dressed quickly, feeling alone in a giant fancy house was more than awkward. She swiftly ran down the staircase, a hand on the railing just in case as she slid down the banisters. 

A hand pressed against her mouth, stifling her laugh as she comprehended the sight in the Vacker living room. 

"Don't laugh!" Biana wailed, seeing Adora on the staircase. "This is ridiculous," she pouted. 

Della brushed her off, putting a headpiece that flopped down the middle of Biana's face and rested just below her stomach. "Nonsense! It's tradition!" 

Della took a small step back, looking at Biana. "Alright, maybe it's a little ridiculous," she lets out a small chuckle. 

Biana rolled her eyes, swiping the head piece off as a very disgruntled voice came from the corner. "Do I really have to wear this?" 

Sticking out her tongue and blowing a raspberry, Biana scoffed. "If I have to be dressed as a floppy elephant, you can be a tiger!" 

"It's not an elephant, it's a Mastodon!" Della corrected, handing Adora a cup of what Adora assumed was an Elvish-Smoothie. 

Fitz begrudgingly stepped out next to Biana, dressed as a red Saber-tooth tiger. 

Both Biana and Adora couldn't contain their laughter. 

Fitz scrunched up his nose, embarrassed before straightening up and sending Adora a look. "And where's your costume? Missed a memo?" He teased. 

Adora played along, sipping her drink. "Oh no, the costumes and public humiliation is too cool for me." She put a hand to her forehead dramatically. "Unfortunately I did the public service of helping plan the event, I'll be stuck on the sidelines laughing at you." 

"I missed the planning sign up." Biana crossed her arms, bitter. "Adora gets to put up all the decorations while we prepare for the celebration." 

Fitz wrote it down in a little notebook. "I am so doing that next year." 

"What? The costumes aren't good enough for you?" Adora laughed, packing her school bag with potions and decorations for the celebration. 

Fitz rolled his eyes, smiling as he ate what-looked-like-a-muffin-but-Adora-doubted-it-was-actually-a-muffin.

"You guys better go, don't want to be late for rehearsal." Della advised, handing Biana her bag. 

Adora raised an eyebrow. "Rehearsal?" 

"Of course, for the dancing." Della laughed at her children's distaste. 

Adora burst out laughing again. "There's choreography?" She cackled. 

Talentless // Fitz VackerWhere stories live. Discover now