// six //

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The night was restless. Sophie kept dreaming about the Keebler elves holding her hostage until she perfected her cookie recipe. The dreams ended with Sophie being drowned in a vat of fudge because she liked Oreo's better. 

Meanwhile, Adora dreamed about the stars. Just stars. That's it, nothing about the stars. All she remembers is stars.  She woke up to Sophie already being awake and in a shirt she never though Sophie would wear. A yellow shirt with blue jeans. 

"Yellow shirts? Aren't we being bold?" Were the first words Adora spoke that day. 

"Ha ha." Sophie deadpanned. 

"Nah you look good." Adora hyped. "Let me get changed and then we can go on whatever mission you seem so determined to do." 

Adora got changed into a white tennis skirt and put on her cow print sweater. She put on the lipgloss that Sophie bought for her and complemented the clips that Sophie put in her hair. When Adora was somewhat satisfied with her appearance the two of them went down the stairs and into Sophie's front garden. 

"Jesus Christ." Adora muttered when the stepped outside. The smoke had not improved, it felt like it got worse. It seemed like it stuck to your skin like tar and you could barely see. 

"Looking for someone?" Sophie's neighbour asked. 

Adora laughed at Sophie who seemed to be holding in an eye roll. "No." Sophie said. "I was seeing if the smoke was clearing, guess not." 

Adora did not hear whatever Mr-forkle-neighbor-man said next but by the look of Sophie's face it was another "You kids..." rant. 

"You should get back inside before the smoke give you another one of those headaches." He said  but was cut off by a dog yapping it's mouth off. 

"Could you girls mind and grab that dog?" A blond man wearing spandex jogging shorts asked. Adora tossed Sophie her lipstick tazer just in case and then Adora grabbed the dogs leash and Sophie and Adora walked up to the man. 

"Thank you so much." The guy thanked. "She's my sisters dog, she hates me. The dog- not my sister." He clarified, showing them the crescent shaped bite wounds. Sophie let the frightened dog. 

Adora winced at the sight of the bites. "Oh you should probably go to a doctor. It looks pretty deep, it might get infected. Has the dog been vaccinated for rabies?" The guy shrugged. "You should really find that out, rabies is quite dangerous. By the time you start showing symptoms you're a goner." She informed the man who looked scared. Sophie got up off the ground next to the dog the moment Adora started mentioning Rabies. 

"Noted....Would you mind carrying her back to my sisters place? It's just a few blocks away and she seems to like you guys more than me." He asked. 

Before they could answer Mr-Neighbor-Fork-Man yelled "THEY MOST CERTAINLY WILL NOT!"

They guys eyes narrowed which made Adora immediately wary. "I wasn't asking you-"

"I don't care!" Fork-neighbor man interrupted. "Get away from them now." 

Adora handed the leash to the man. "Defiantly get those bites checked out. Rabies can make you get Hydro-phobia- fear of water - and hallucinations. It's almost always fatal so um... go check that out." And in an instant, the man was gone. 

The two of them walked over to Sophie's house. Mr. Fork-Neighbor man reassured them that he would call the police the next time he appeared. Adora nodded gratefully. 

They went back into her house. "Do you think he really would've he just taken us?" Adora asked. 

"He looked like it... I think you scared him off with the Rabies though." Sophie admitted. 

Adora mimed flexing. "I'm just that cool." Sophie laughed. 

Adora and Sophie had arrived at school. Adora shoved her things in her locker and went to go meet up with Sophie before the bell rang. She spotted her the second the bell rang and then also saw her get yanked behind a corner. Adora immediately went into fight mode and um-capped her lipstick. What if it's that damn jogger again? She ran 'round the corner brandishing it. She saw Sophie and she saw a strange man and so she tazed the strange man. 

It was Fitz. 

He crumpled in pain. "Again?" 

"Sorry!" Adora squeaked. "You very well could've been that weird jogger man."

"It's fine." He winced as he got up. "It's good you're here, my dad wanted to talk to you too. As I was saying, we need to leap." 

"Sophie you are so dead." Adora patted her shoulder. 

"I can't ditch class Fitz! They'll call my parents and after yesterday I think my mom might strangle me." They walked behind a building. 

"This is important Sophie. You have to come with me." 


"Just trust me." Fitz asked. He turned to Adora. "Any complaints from you?" 

"Nah. I know everything they're teaching in class and I don't have tests today... it is ice cream day at the cafeteria but imagine there will be ice cream at the north pole." Adora listed off. 

The tips of Fitz lips tilted upwards. "We aren't headed to the North Pole." 

"Dang. Was really hoping to ask Santa a few question. Fine, take me to the strange crystal countries with the magic wand, strange man that I've tazed twice." She put a hand on her forehead dramatically. 

Sophie was more cautious. "How am I supposed to trust you if you won't tell me anything?" 

"You trust me because I'm here to help you." 

"A test!?" Sophie freaked. "What am I being tested for?!" 

"We don't have any tests today!" Adora panicked. The tests were easy for Adora but still she would've liked to know in advance. 

"You read my mind? Sophie you can't just do that! There are rules!" Fitz also freaked. 

"You've tried reading my mind without permission." Sophie countered. 

"That's different, I'm on an assignment." 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Fitz ran his fingers through his hair. "It doesn't matter! What matters is that you could get in huge trouble for invading someone's mind like that. It's a serious offence." 

"...really?" Sophie squeaked.

"Yeah. So don't do it again." 

Adora stretched. "How was she supposed to know? Hell she didn't even know that reading minds was a normal things until a couple hours ago!"

"Fine, I'm sorry but don't do it again." Fitz said calmer. 

Sophie's attention was somewhere else, her eyes darted between the forrest trees. "He's here." She whispered. 

Adora immediately understood. "He couldn't have tested for rabies! The doctors offices just opened!" 

"Who? Rabies? What." Fitz asked confused. 

"The guy who tried to grab us." 

"Jogger-rabies man." 

Fitz looked around. "I don't see anyone but it's get out of here. We shouldn't keep everyone waiting." 

"Everyone?" Sophie and Adora chorused. 

"My parents, committee of our councillors. It's part of the test you heard me thinking about when you broke into my mind." 

"Sorry." Sophie mumbled. 


Adora nodded. 

"What does the test decide?" Sophie asked, taking his hand. 

"Your future." He grinned. Adora immediately started panicking. 

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