// nine//

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(A/N: we're in the deep shit of Exile now—aka, my favorite parts. Buckle up, bitches.) 

The kids sat around a bonfire, laughing as they ate from skewers and learned how delicious Ripplenuts were. 

Biana and Adora shielded themselves from rainbow colored sparks flying out of the fire. They felt like fizzy splashed of water. 

"Keefe, stop it!" Adora laughed, trying to take the skewer from his hands. 

Running off, Biana went to go get more Ripplenuts. 

Adora retrieved Keefe's skewer quite easily as he zones out, staring at something. "Hello?" Adora waved a hand in front of his face before sitting down next to him, following his gaze. 

Sophie and Fitz were talking. Kinda, Sophie and Fitz were talking in each others heads. Just standing around the bonfire and looking at each other, occasionally reacting to what the other person said.

Adora sighed, chewing on her wooden skewer. "Let me guess..." 

"Huh?" Keefe reeled hit attention back. 

"Wild guess; you have a crush on the same person that your best friend likes." Adora tried not to flinch at the fiery sparks. 

Keefe laughed. "Of course not—I mean—" 

"Shh" Adora hushed Keefe as they both looked back at the two friends. "Me too." 

Keefe processed. "Oh." 

"Oh." Adora repeated, nodding. "We're so talking about this later." Adora helped Keefe up as they both walked up to Fitz and Sophie to join the conversation. 

"Ya know, normal people talk out loud." Adora pointed out, beaming. 

Biana jumped up, handing them Ripplenuts. "Yeah but this is Sophie, she never does anything the normal way." 

They all talked more, discussing the schedules that Adora didn't get and eating the vanilla-y shells of goo. 

"Ooh!" Biana tapped their shoulders, looking at the fire. "This is the best part!" 

Pop! Spark! A few logs in the fire collapsed and a stream pf rainbow flames erupted into the sky. The sparks flew into the atmosphere like fire works before gleaming proudly and lingering in the air. 

Adora wanted to reach out and touch one of them, just as they all started exploding with white lights. Adora jumped back, flinching a little but laughing it off. 

Sophie looked at the bright lights and tried not to wince. The lights felt like they were slicing into her brain—triggering a sharp headache. 

Soon the fire died down, concluding the bonfire night. 

Adora quickly sent a message to Grady and Edaline via her imparter before light leaping with Keefe to Candleshade Estate. 

She had been to Keefe's place alot, especially over the summer. Keefe hated being alone in his house, and Adora got bored a lot so the two hung out a lot. 

Keefe and Adora sat in his room, throwing a small ball back and forth before looking at each other. 

"So..." Adora tried breaking the silence. 

Keefe nodded, adjusting his hair. "So...Just so we're clear, both co-presidents of the Foster club hate Fitzphie?" 

Adora shook her head. "Oh absolutely." 

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