// twelve //

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(A/N: hello hello! Sorry I haven't updated anything in a while, all my teachers crammed tests into the last week and I spent the other week having fun with my friends but now that it is summer vacation and I don't have anything to do, you can expect updates! and on that note, let's traumatise Adora!

Oh I also need to rant a little bit so you can skip this part if you want—UNLESS you are another Fitz Vacker x OC Writer!! 

Hi, I wanted to start off saying that I'm going to sound like a hardass but I need you guys to understand this. If you have said that your OC is "similar to mine" you need to listen. 

Your oc is NOT "similar to mine" if you've used the same exact elements that I have used in my story. It's really sad to see it because a lot of you guys are such good writers—certainly better than me but I can't appreciate your work because it feels like just reading my story all over again. 

And while getting inspiration is okay—there's a line between "inspiration" and copying my plot line for line but changing a few words, okay? 

Inspiration is not the same as changing your friends answers on a test so it's not technically plagiarism. I have obviously used inspiration before but I have always added to it, took things away until it was MY OWN IDEA. 

Because there is a difference between your OC being "like" mine and your OC being MY OC in a different font. 

It's just hurtful to see my ideas somewhere else, someone else getting credit when it's not their idea. I am very proud of my creativity for my writing and it's sad to see such talented writers stealing my ideas—not giving me credit beyond "oh my OC is like yours—check out my story!" 

anyways, that's all—sorry for sounding like a bitch, I hope I didn't come off as mean but I needed to say it—it's time for actual writing. ))))


"Sophie, if you're health is in danger, you have to tell us. We could get you help, and treatment and—"

Sophie had Adora had been sat down and spilled their secrets about everything. The clues, Sophie's plan to fix Alden, her journal, how light affected her, Elwin having no idea what to do—they came clean. 

"Elwin already tried everything. If it's really in my genes, then  the only ones who can fix me are the ones who made me!" Sophie explained. 

Edaline sighed. "I can't believe you told Elwin before us," 

Adora shook her head. "Okay so Sophie didn't have a choice on that—she blacked out in the middle of school." Adora continued. "And before you blame Elwin—he agreed that we should wait until we had more information before telling you. You have enough to worry about anyways." 

"We do have a lot to worry about," Grady agreed, looking out the window. 

There was a log debate between the three of them, including some points made by Sandor before Grady stood up to start pacing. 

Edaline swiftly stood up. "I can't believe I'm saying this but—I think we let Sophie go."

"What?" Everyone in the room stood up too, shocked. 

"They made her. So if there's something wrong and Elwin doesn't know what it is—what choice do we really have?" Edaline explained. "Otherwise, what do we do? Let her keep blacking out and fading? How long until she doesn't recover from that." 

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