// eight //

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"This is Atlantis?" Sophie said, seemly underwhelmed.  

Adora quickly gripped onto her hand, slipping on her long gown. They had been forced to wear gowns and heels, something Adora wasn't a big fan of. The gowns were lovely sure but they weren't as comfortable as a sweater or her dresses back home. Sophie's was a red gown and Adora's was a beige color with fluffy mesh sleeves. She really wished that she could've worn her sneakers. Knowing Sophie, she was probably thinking the same thing. Adora also didn't appreciate how the dress seemly amplified her piebaldism on her legs and right arm. And Adora had a lot of thin layers to add on the bottom of her dress and Adora was so hot

 Fitz was lucky enough to wear pants and a shirt. Fancy ones mind you, cool elvin pants and shirt but still. But Adora's wishes for sneakers still weren't granted through Fitz as he was wearing boots that sort of resembled the ones Adora saw horseback riders wearing. 

"This is how we get to Atlantis." Alden informed. "Atlantis is underneath us, where the light doesn't reach. We can't leap there." 

Sophie fell and Fitz helped her become more stable. "So, Atlantis really sank?" Sophie asked. 

Adora was really interested in that. "The Ancients engineered the catastrophe." Alden answered. "How else would humans think we disappeared?" Adora made sure she would remember that for when she returned home. 

Alden had a small glass bottle in his hands. Adora leaned over to see what it said. One Whirlpool Open With Care

"Stay back." He warned. He opened the bottle and then flung it into the ocean. 

A huge blast a wind gave Adora quite the fright. Like the bottle said, a giant whirlpool appeared. 

"Ladies first." Alden shouted. 

"I'm sorry what?!" Sophie yelled back. 

"Maybe you should go first dad." Fitz suggested. 

Alden nodded gave a quick wave and jumped. Sophie screamed. 

"Oh hell yeah!" Adora raced to the edge and watched he floated. Adora turned her back to the whirlpool, did a salute and proceeded to do the titanic pose before falling into the whirlpool. "Woo!" 

Sophie screamed again. 

Adora laughed the whole way down. If this was a normal way of transport then sure! Call her an elf because this was awesome. She suddenly fell onto a very weird sponge and braced for landing as she hit a giant cushion. She quickly rolled over off of it, hearing her friends screams growing closer. She laid on the ground for a second. "That was incredible!" She exclaimed to Alden who chuckled. 

She got up and dusted off her dress as Sophie landed on the cushion. "I'm not wet..." Sophie muttered as she smoothed her dress. 

"The sponge absorbs all the water when you land. INCOMING!" Alden shoved Sophie out the way when Fitz came rocketing onto the cushion. 

"Woah..." Adora gasped, looking at the city behind them. 

"Now this is Atlantis." Alden gestured to the gleaming buildings. 

The city had a giant dome around it, reminding Adora of the dome around Alfea in Winx. But the buildings were intricate, like the historical buildings shes seen but in all crystal. The air didn't even smell salty. There was the small sound of muffled hums, like when you out your ear to a seashell. It was lovely! 

Fitz shoved her gently towards Alden and Sophie, Adora realised that she had stopped moving. She quickly sped up, joining Alden and Sophie. 

"Why did you guys sink Atlantis?" Adora asked, wanting to know more about this land shes only heard about in fairytales. 

"We built Atlantis for humans. That's why you know the real names of the city. A long time ago, humans walked these very streets." 

Everything around her looked as though it was straight of out a picture book. Everything had bright colors, and creative knickknacks all around. Walt Disney would cry at the sight. 

They kept walking until they were stood in front of a giant scorpion. 

"What is that thing!" Sophie shrieked. 

Adora whipped her head to Sophie. "Calm down! You might startle it!" 

"I think I'm more startled than that thing!" 

"A startled giant scorpion will be more dangerous than a relaxed one now cool it." 

"It's an Eurypterid." Alden explained. "A sea scorpion." 

"I thought these were extinct." Adora whispered, awkwardly getting onto the carriage. 

"You're not afraid are you?" Fitz asked. Sophie moved further away from it. 

"What is it with girls?" Fitz started petting the beast. "See? Harmless." 

"Hey! We didn't make you get into one of our transportation vehicles. I'm sure you would've thought a motorcycle is a death trap so snap your trap shut." Adora argued. 

Sophie carefully got onto the carriage. 

"Quinlin Sonden's office please." 

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