// thirteen //

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It was lunch time! Elementalism was... interesting. It was cool but difficult. 

"Thats Elementalism for you." Dex said. "Wait until they make you collect your first tornado. They're not easy to catch." 

Huh, who knew... tornadoes? Difficult to catch? Woah. 

"Why do we have to learn to bottle that stuff anyways?" Sophie asked frustrated. 

"Mastering all the elements is one of the steps towards entering the nobility." 


"No idea. Neither of my parents are nobility so I don't know much about it." 

"Aren't you supposed to be on detention with Stina?" Adora mentioned. 

"I still have to eat." He grumbled, filling his tray with brightly colored foods. 

The lunch lines had various mysterious foods. While Sophie took whatever Dex took, Adora took whatever she felt like seemed more appetising and "interesting." 

Dex left the cafeteria sort of upset. 

"Sitting alone in the cafeteria. Just like old times." Adora joked. They tried looking for an empty table. Spoiler, there weren't any.

All the strangers in the cafeteria looked quite... Adora didn't want to say rude but rude. They seemed to dislike the two girls. 

Adora saw what Sophie was looking at. A girl who had the same eyes as Fitz was giving her the most subtle death stare ever. She locked eyes with Adora next, she narrowed her eyes slightly as if judging her. 

Then they saw Jensi. 

"Hey, my friends and I have a a table — it's only guys  —and most of them are pretty lame —but you can totally sit with us" 

"Thank Jensi." 

"We'd love to!" 

They sat down at the table and Adora tried her best to look past the boys who were staring (some who were drooling.) 

"Sorry." Jensi mumbled. "Cmon guys! I said be cool." 

"Sorry dude." They all said n unison but then went right back to staring. 

Jensi sighed. "So how was the E?" 


"Elementalism." One of the boys said. "Dude you don't know that's what we call it?" 

"Of course she doesn't. They've been living with the humans." Jensi explained. Adora shot him a small smile. 

As few boys leaned back in their chairs. "Dude" they exclaimed. 

"Elementalism was good, I didn't get zapped." Sophie explained.

"Well duh." One of the drooling boys said. "Your clothes would be all singed and stuff if you were."

Jensi rolled his eyes, seemly frustrated with the bunch. "Anyways —what do you have next?"

"The universe." 

"Don't you mean the U?" A boy gave an extremely exaggerated wink. Other guys giggled. Adora held in a small chuckle. 

Jensi shot them looks. "Thats not what we call it! Stop messing with them." 

"Sorry dude." They mumbled. 

"Enough with the 'dude'—you guys are killing it!" 

"Sorry dude." 

Jensi looked ready to explode. Sophie covered her laugh with a cough. Adora grinned. 

"Thanks for taking care of her guys. But I'll take it from here." A girls voice interrupted. 

Talentless // Fitz VackerWhere stories live. Discover now