//eighteen //

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Sophie and Adora held hands right before they light leaped to Everglen. 

During Studyhall, Sophie and Adora just kept looking at each other stressed. 

Adora changed outfits at least 4 times. 

"For Petes sake! She's not going to care what you wear!" 

"Absolutely she is!" 

Adora settled on an elvish white simple dress that she put a strange sheer grey-blue cardigan. She slipped on her white 'human' sneakers. 

"Hey," Biana said as she opened the gates of Everglen to let Sophie and Adora in. "You made it." 

"Yeah." Sophie managed a half smile. 

Adora just offered a friendly wave. 

The gates clanged closed as they entered the estate once more. 

"So, what are we going to do?" Sophie asked. 

Biana stared at the ground and shrugged. 

"Is your family around?" Once again, Adora wished Sophie didn't say that given Biana's reaction. 

Her eyes narrowed. "I knew you'd ask that." 


"I know you like my brother." 

Adora was suddenly extremely interested in the grass beneath her feet. 


"Please. It's pretty obvious." 

"He's my friend." Sophie clarified. "This was a bad idea." She went to grab Adora's hand. 

"Wait. I'm sorry, it's just... girls always use me to get to my brother. I guess I sort of expect it." She explained. Adora gave her a sympathetic smile. 

"Thats not what I'm doing—and you invited us over. Remember?" 

"I know." Biana, wringing her fingers so tight it looked painful. "Can we maybe start over?" 

"We can try." Adora said brightly. 

Biana relaxed. "Good." Her eyes lit up. "I know. We can give each other makeovers. I have all the serums to change our hair color and we can try on some of my moms gowns!" 

Adora smiled, she knew Sophie was screaming inside but for one afternoon and Biana would like them? Sure. 

"Makeovers?" Keefe scoffed. "You girls really know how to have fun. Maybe you can braid each others hair and giggle about boys while you're at it." 

Sophie spun around and so did Adora. The guys took a little step back when Adora locked eyes with them. 

"Actually maybe that last part is a good idea. You get could dirt on Foster. See which boys make her heart go pitter-patter." Keefe grinned. 

"Um, that would be none." Sophie insisted. 

"Eh, that's why they all say. But deep down girls always have that one guy they can't take their eyes off of. Isn't that right Fitz?" 

Oh dear lord. Adora thought as Fitz answered. "Why are we talking about this?" He complained. 

Keefe shrugged. "Just saying." 

"What are you guys doing here?" Biana asked, shooting Fitz a glare.

"We came to see if you guys wanted to play base quest." Keefe answered. 

"What's base quest?" 

"Only the most awesome game ever! I call Foster on my team!" Keefe announced. 

Talentless // Fitz VackerWhere stories live. Discover now