// seventeen //

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"Good Morning, Prodigies." Dame Alina cooed during orientation the next morning. "Everyone ready for another exciting day?"

"Hey check it out,"  Dex whispered too Sophie. he pointed to the meter of his plain blue nexus. "I finally passed the half way point."

"Really?" Sophie tried to be excited but she hadn't even even passed the one-third point. 

"Yep, not much further till I have my own pathfinder. Maybe i'll even get my nexus off younger than Fitz! Man, that's be awesome! id love to see wonder boys face if a Dizznee broke his precious record."

Adora didn't want to mention hers was almost at its full. For Sophie and for Dex.

Adora snapped her head around the minute Dame Alina said the words "Midterms" 

Dame Alina informed them that they had one month until they had the midterm exams. they had to get a 75% or higher to pass. 

"Maybe you should sign up for alchemy tutoring." Marella whispered. "Not sure you'll pass without it." She joked. 

it sounded so pretentious but Adora was stressed, she never usually had to study for tests. she usually spent the time they would be using for studying, researching and learning about the things she was actually interested in. 

Dame Alina dismissed the students. 

Dex, Marella, Adora and Sophie went to their lockers. Adora gagged as she saw them cringe at the taste of their locker locks. She still used her thumbprint lock, which n her opinion was much for sanitary. 

"I think its reekrod. Elwin must've picked the flavour today." Dex looked a little green. 

"Remind me to yell at him the next time I see him."

"Planning to make another visit to the Healing Centre today?" Adora asked. 

Gonna make it a daily routine?" Marella added. 

"Very Funny."

Dex took out  silver box and offered them a circular candy. "Here. Take a prattle to get rid of the taste.'

It tasted like caramel but creamy-er and sort of fruity?

After discovering that Prattles have a pin in each box, one for each animal in existence. As Adora asked how they updated the pin number, a voice interrupted. 

'Hey Sophie? Adora?" It was Biana. Why was Biana talking to them? "Can I talk to you?"

Sophie spun around while Adora merely looked over to shoulder before moving her body too. "uh, sure." Adora nodded. "Shoot"

Biana glanced at Marella and Dex. "Can we go somewhere more private?"

Sophie followed Biana to an empty corner. Adora mouthed 'I'll tell you guys everything'  before running to catch up with them. 

"Whats up?"

" I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school today." 

Adora was not expecting that. "Why?"

Biana twisted her fingers and looked to the floor. "I don't know. I thought it might be nice if we could... try to be friends." She said the last part in a whisper.

Yeah no, Adora was not expecting any of that.

"Did Fitz put you up to this?" Sophie asked. Adora wanted to crawl in a hole when she saw Biana's reaction to that. 

"No! Why would Fitz care if--" She took a deep breath. "He didn't put me up to this." 

"But... I thought you didn't like us.." Sophie said quietly. 

"I never said that."

Adora shifted her weight onto her left foot. "You didn't really have to..."

"Well, I'm sorry you felt that way. I guess I'm not good at meeting new people." 

Even if she was lying, Adora was glad Biana didn't hate her. 

"Sure," Adora said smiling. At the same time Sophie said "Fine."


"Yeah! It's worth a shot." 

They all stood there awkwardly. 

"What time should I come over?" Sophie asked. 

"um, why don't you go home and change and come over after that? you know how to get there right?" 

"yeah, We've been there before."

Adora didn't miss the small change in Biana's expression. She felt her heart sink a little. She never really liked it when people didn't like her, with the exception of some kids from the school in San Diego who gave her a reason for mutual hate. she would be lying if she said that she hadn't lost sleep over her interactions with Stina. It was clear that hanging out wasn't Biana's idea.

"Well, good. I guess I'll see you soon then." They watched Biana walk away. 

"What just happened..." Adora muttered softly. 

"I am not too sure." Sophie replied. 

Marella and Dex were already next to them.

"So? Are you going to tell us what that was about?"

"She invited us to hang out after school today." Sophie answered. 


"She said she wanted to be friends." Adora replied. She couldn't keep the happiness out of her voice. 


Sophie shrugged. "She didn't say." 

"Please tell me you told her to go sniff a gulon?" Dex begged. 

Marella sighed. "Dex, look at Adora face. Do you really think she said that?"

Dex looked at the hope on Adora's face. "Aw come on!" 

"I couldn't just say that!" Adora defended. "She seemed... sort of nice..?"

Marella rolled her eyes and patted Adora on the back. "The poor little people pleaser." 

"I am not a people pleaser!"

"The poor oblivious little people pleaser."

"I am taller than all of you!" 

"Look, I know you guys aren't going to like this but my life would be a lot easier if Biana and I got along. If it doesn't work out then I waste one afternoon of my life. so what?"Sophie reasoned. 

"How do you know it isn't a trap?" Marella asked. "Invite you other and then humiliate you? hush." Marella covered Adora's mouth before she would protest and defend Biana. "You guys could be walking into an ambush." 

"Thats not what this is." Sophie answered for Adora. Adora licked Mareella's who looked at Adora shocked before wiping her hand on Adora's back. 

"What you think she isn't capable?" Dex sneered. 

"No, but she would never do it at her house. Not with Fitz there." 

"Right. I forgot. You and Wonderboy and friends." 

 "I object, I have caused him immense pain and I believe he's scared of me." Adora reported. 

Sophie blew out a breath. "Aren't you guys the teeniest bit curious to what she's up too?"

They couldn't agrue with that. 

"I want details later." Marella agreed. 

"Of course."

"You better not leave anything out!" Dex added. 

Marella and Adora walked to Ability detecting together. "Now spill my little people person."

"I don't think it was Biana's idea." Adora admitted. 

"And how does that make you feel?"

"When did you become my therapist?"

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