// five //

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Adora quickly opened the door and immediately Sophie's mom started yelling. 

"There you are!" Her mom was on the phone. "Yes, she's home now." She said into the phone. "Don't worry, I will be having a long talk with her." 

Sophie's heart practically stopped. Adora whispered "Good luck." 

Her mom glared daggers at Sophie. "That was Mr. Sweeney calling because he couldn't find you at the museum! What were you thinking? Wandering off, especially now with the fries making everyone nervous? Do you have any idea how worried I was? And Mr. Sweeney was about to call the police!" 

"I'm, I'm sorry..." Sophie stammered. They had not come up with a good alibi. "I... got scared." 

Her mothers eyes softened. Adora smiled at Amy, who she saw eavesdropping on the conversation who beamed back at her mischievously. 

"Scared of what? Did something happen?" 

"I saw this guy..." Sophie said. "He had an article about me and he started asking me all these questions. It was freaking us out so Adora tazed him and we ran away. We took the train home." 

"Why didn't you just get a teacher or a museum guard? Or the police!" 

"I didn't really think of that, I just wanted to get away.' Sophie tugged on an eyelash 

"Ugh stop doing that." Her mother complained. "Well if anything, I'm glad you're okay. But if anything like this happens again, I want you to run straight to an adult! Understood?" 

Sophie nodded. 

"This is exactly why your father and I didn't want this article out there. You never know what some weirdo is going to try once they know where to find you." 

"I'm fine mom, okay?" 

Her mom sighed. "I know... I just wish...." She trailed off. 

"And you Adora..." she seemed to wish she had something to say about Adora's mom beung worried about her. "I'm glad you two kids stick together. I usually don't like the fact you have a tazer on you but this time it was useful. Uh... your mom wanted to let you know you're sleeping over for the next 2 days." She said awkwardly. 

Sophie heard her mother think about how she thought Adora's mother called worried about where Adora was. Sophie's always agreed with her mother on topics like this. 

"Sophie, it's your turn to set the table. Yes, Adora can help you." Her mother handed Sophie the silverware. 

"Yeah Soybean! Get crackin!" Amy laughed, plopping down onto her usual dinner seat. 

Amy, despite being 9 has mastered being the little sister role. Along with partner in crime for Adora. 

Sophie was lost in thought while placing down her silverware and so it was time for dinner. 

But in dinner, nothing changed. She was still in her own world. To be fair, they learned some surprising new things today. Adora wondered what would happen to her. She's a human and yet she now knows all these things that are seeming beyond her. 

"You okay Soybean?"

"I feel dizzy. Must be from the smoke. Could I go lay down?" Sophie asked. 

"I think you should eat first." Her mother stated. So Sophie sat down and ate. 

Adora put a small portion of fettuccine onto her plate and ate. She push some to the side making it look like she ate more. Luckily Sophie was getting stares from her family so attanetion was diverted off her. 

After what seemed like forever,  Sophie's dad placed down his fork. The official end of dinner. Sophie and Adora rushed upstairs and into Sophie's room. 

Adora flopped right down on Sophie's floor and Sophie jumped onto her bed. "Sorry Marty" she sympathised when Sophie accidentally hit her fluffy grey cat Marty. 

Adora saw that Sophie was visibly upset. She jumped into the bed with her and Sophie laid her back down on Adora's legs and Adora played with Sophie's hair. Sophie blinked back tears. Sophie loved the silence that Adora brought with her and her silent mind. They stayed like that for awhile. 

"I brought you girls some E.L. Fudges" she handed them cookies with two glasses of milk. "Are you alright Soybean?" 

"I'm fine, just... tired." Sophie reached for a cookie but stopped herself.  "I need to get to bed." 

Her mom left the room and the two girls got ready for bed. They laid in bed next to eachother, both in their glorious pyjamas and Marty above their heads. 

Sophie's dad came in and wished them a good night. 

"Do you have Ella?" Her dad asked, referring to the blue elephant Sophie always had. 

"Yep!" Sophie showed the elephant in a Hawaiian shirt. 

"Everything's alright Adora?"

"Yes Mr. Foster." Adora said formally. 

"Sweetie you spend too much time here to call us Mr. And Ms. Foster." Her mother commented. 

Adora smiled. 

"Can I ask you guys a question?" Sophie asked. 

"Sure." Her dad said. "What's up?" 

Sophie hugged Ella. "Was i adopted?" 

"Who? You or Adora. Because I hate to break it to you Adora, you are not our real daughter." 

Adora laughed. "Oh no! The horror!" 

"But no Sophie. You were not adopted." 

"Switched at birth?" 

"No! Of course not!"

"Are you sure?" She pressed. 

"Yes! I think I would know my own daughter!" Her mother said confused. "What's all this about?" 

"Nothing just wondering." 

"Sorry Soybean, we're your parents whether you like it or not." Her dad joked. 

"Okay." Sophie agreed. But she really wasn't sure. 

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