// fourteen//

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Sophie and Adora had PE class. Adora was excited, Sophie was not. But they were both thrilled when they discovered they had private changing rooms and an acceptable PE uniform. Sophie threw her hair in a ponytail, Adora shoved it in a bun and they were off. 

Stina laughed when she saw the two of them. "I give the new girls six months before they ship her off to Exillium." She said loudly. Thanks for drawing attention, ya know maybe people are right about you.

Marella's voice cut through the room. "That's about how long your dad lasted ,wasn't it?" She strode go where Stina was. "Actually, I doubt he even made it that far." 

"Want to compare parents Redek?" Stina hissed. 

Stina might have been taller but Marella looked like she had way more power. "My family may not be nobility but at least we're not trying to fool anyone — unlike some people in this room." She spat. 

"Take that back." Stina demanded. 

"I will when it stops being true." Marella dragged the two of them outside and into the amphitheatre. 

Adora gave Marella a high five and Marella gave a grateful but mischievous grin back.

"I'm sorry you had to get in the middle of that." Sophie mumbled. 

"I didn't have to, I wanted to. She stomps around here like she's so special because her mom is an empath for the nobility. Her dad didn't even manifest and she only have a 50% chance of manifesting herself. I can't wait to watch you put her in her place." 

"Wait— I'm going to out her in her place? Me?"

"Either of you and of course. You're the mysterious new girls with mysterious pasts who probably have all these weird powers! I mean just look at your eyes!" Sophie and Adora looked into each others eyes before looking back at Marella. 

"I'm not special Marella. Trust me." Sophie didn't even notice that Adora had walked of and started talking with Dex. 

"Whatever, my point is that none of us have been able to take Stina down. Not even Princess PrettyPants Biana. You're the new variables. Something no one expected. So you get to end Stinas reign of terror. Everyone's waiting for it." 

"What do you mean everyone?" Sophie looked around to see several prodigies watching her.

"Are you ready for this?" Dex interrupted. Adora and Dex seemed to be running off of each others energy, getting more and more energetic by the minute. 

The mentors came in and started trying to teach people how to channel energy into different parts of their bodies. Dex, Marella and Adora had finished all the activities they were supposed to do and then just started gossiping while having a competition on who could jump the highest. 

Sophie on the other hand had a rough time. She couldn't do anything more than what she could normally, even with the help of a mentor. More and more prodigies watched as Sophie failed. 

After the lesson ended, Stina shoved Sophie into a wall. "I take it back. She won't last six weeks." 

Adora pulled Stinas hair and shoved her to the side and lead Sophie to their changing rooms. Stina called Adora and Sophie all sorts of offensive names. 

This time, no one came to their defense. 

Sophie left without Adora out of the changing room. Adora waited for Marella and they left for the cafeteria. Where Sophie never showed up. Dex, Marella and Adora sat together at lunch before walking to their next class together. Which was hell. 

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