//sixteen //

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Adora sat in the Healing Center waiting for either of them to wake up. So far she's just been entertaining Elwin and Bullhorn. 

"Things Adora did while waiting for Sophie and Fitz to regain conscience:" Elwin listed off as he chuckled. "1.) Talk to Bullhorn in French and get him to talk back. 2.) Spill medicine everywhere. 3.) clean up all the medicine she spilled.4.) remake all the medicine she spilled.  5.) Teach Bullhorn Ballet." Elwin listed. 

Adora was lying on the floor with Bullhorn tired. "You'd think they would've woken up before we presented the Nut Cracker!"

"Or before you gave me a history lesson about the American Revolutionary War down to the day." 

"But nope!" 

"How did you manage to do that in 10 minutes?" Elwin asked. 

Adora sat up dramatically."It's only been ten minutes?" Adora asked exasperated. "It's been forever!" 

Elwin chuckled but then rushed to Sophie's bed when he saw movement. Adora carefully stood up and checked up on Sophie. 

"Welcome back." Elwin greeted, placing a cool towel on Sophie's forehead. "You know, for a girl who hates doctors you sure can't seem to stay away from the healing center." 

Sophie sat up and immediately winced. Elwin gave Adora a cold towel to put on Fitz's head. 

"Easy there." Elwin instructed. "You've been out nearly ten minutes." Elwin did the flashy light stuff. 

"Ten minutes? What happened?" 

"No idea, never heard of anyone getting seriously injured while splotching." Elwin chuckled. 

"Leave it to Sophie!" Adora added. 

"Where Fitz? Is he okay?" Sophie asked panicked. 

"Yeah no he's fine." Adora looked at the unconscious body of Fitz as she placed the towel on his forehead. 

"He's fine." Elwin confirmed. 

"He's unconscious!" 

"He'll come around, he hit the wall a bit harder so it'll take him a second." Elwin informed. 

"Not if I have a say in it." Adora slapped the towel on his forehead. "I have a fool proof method." 

Elwin and Sophie looked at her concerned. "You're not gonna stop me?" They shook their heads. 

Adora started 'lightly' slapping Fitz's cheeks. She gave one 'slightly' harder slap and Fitz's eyes sprung open. "He has awakened!" 

Adora gave a bow as Fitz started mumbling. "WhereamIwhathappened?" He closed his eyes again. 

Elwin gave a silent applause to Adora and then chuckled. "Must've been some splotching match." 

Sophie was clearly stressed. "Will he be okay?" 

"Of course he will. If he wasn't, Bullhorn would be freaking out right now. Or worse, laying next to him." Elwin pointed at Bullhorn who was fast asleep in the corner. "Banshees can tell when someone's in mortal danger." 

"Do ya think he'll start doing ballet when someone's in mortal danger now?" Adora asked. 

Elwin shrugged. "I'd rather not find out." 

"This is all my fault." Sophie groaned. 

Adora sat by her side. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I completely lost." 

"What." Sophie asked. 

"Like I set a record for fastest time loosing a match." 

Fitz chuckled. "Hah, loser." He joked. 

Adora gave him a death stare. He groaned. "Please don't taze me again." 

Elwin looked at them confused. "You did what now?"

"Was it not obviou- i tazed him." Adora clarified. 

"Twice." Fitz added. 

"Wanna make it three times?" 


"What did you do during the match?" Elwin asked, changing the topic. 

"I'm don't know." Sophie admitted. 

Fitz sat up, seemingly more awake. Adora handed him a glass of water. 

"How ya feeling?"

"Been better. But I'll live. Are you okay?" He asked Sophie. 

Sophie nodded. Elwin handed Sophie a blue vial and so did Adora to Fitz. "This will ease the pain, you'll be stiff tomorrow but I can't help that. Do either of you remember what happened?" 

"Not really." Fitz stated. "I remember pushing the splotcher but then it was like it rebounded or something." 


"Yeah, I felt my force hit hers and bounce back at me."

"That's what I felt too." Sophie agreed. 

Elwin's eyes widened before he shook his head. "Nah couldn't be."

"Couldn't be what?"

"Thats sounds like what happened when someone does a brain push—using mental eagerly for telekinesis instead of core energy. But a brain push is highly specialised and only the ancients can pull it off." Elwin informed. Adora wrote the words on her arm to research later. 

Elwin continued telling them to tell them more general information about a brain push. Then the three were excused from class. 

After having a dramatic entrance with hugs and fake tears, they had to go and go back to splotching. Luckily, Sophie and Fitz got to stay on the side. Adora had to go back on the floor and try telekinesis. 

Now it was Adora's turn to be embarrassed, she had tried to be unnoticed by the mentors but it didn't work. Adora snuck away to congratulate Sophie on winning. 

But then later she had three mentors trying to teach her how to float things in the air. Hell, they had brought her a feather! She couldn't lift it. She ended the day with a mentor pulling her aside and yelling at her, claiming that she wasn't taking to seriously enough and that they were at a noble school and she should be treating it as such. 

She spent the rest of the day more quiet than she usually was. When Dex asked what was wrong, she replied "Just a little annoyed, that's all. It's fine thought." Despite the fact she was practically seething. 

At night, while Sophie was asleep, Adora went outside and sat in the garden. She tried her hardest to levitate. She kicked her feet in anger as she whimpered in frustration. She felt like a toddler having a temper tantrum but it was so difficult!

Whoever wrote the message saying that they believed in her should really take that back. "Ugh!"she groaned, upset with herself. "Why couldn't it be as easy as Sim-Sala-Bim!" She exclaimed, doing the weird hand motions in all the movies. A rock came flying at her. She quickly ducked before it could hit her. 

She raced to go get the rock. She placed it down infront of her. She copied the hand motions she was doing. "Sim-sala-bim?" An un-finished outline of the rock lit up in an indescribable color around the rock. Adora looked at it in shock, slowly the glow-y outline faded. 

She did the same motion and the semi-completed outline was back. She swirled her hand around. The outline connected in a nice 2D  oval shape around the rock. She moved her hand once more, this time having her palm facing the ground and doing a circular motion, the glow covered the rock entirely. Adora smiled confused. She extended her pointer finger and started waved it around. The rock moved with her finger.

Adora grinned. "What the fu-"

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