//twenty nine//

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The two girls had recently been studying outside. Sophie in a nearby cave where Dex tutored Sophie in Alchemy and Adora studied in any nice area she wanted to. She still wasn't allowed near anywhere with the Pastures.

Sometimes she studied at friends houses, other times in a random clearing she found on a walk. Others, she would join Sophie in the cave and they would help each other study.

They felt like the walls of Havenfield were closing in on them, like there wasn't enough space for them.

Grady and Adeline left them alone as long as they came back by dark.

Sophie spent their time at night sorting through the things in the room. Looking at what to keep when they move, what not to. Adora didn't feel like moving things until they were told who they were going to.

Sophie and Adora agreed they would finally tell their friends about their situation. Sophie was finally done ignoring it, Adora was too but... it made it feel alot more real.

Sophie and Adora slowly approached Dex, mustering up the courage to talk to him.

Dex barely glanced at them when he opened his locker. He seemed stiff and...angry?

Sophie spoke first. "Hey Dex."

He didn't turn around.

Sophie continued. "I'm sorry. I don't blame you for being bad. I know I've been a little distant lately."

He spun around, so much anger on his face it made Adora want to double down in pain. "You weren't distant with Fitz and Biana on Friday! I saw you hugging them in the hall!"

"Dex,..." Sophie seemed speechless.

"Why would you tell them before me? I thought we were best friends?"

"We are!" Adora insisted,

Dex sighed. "Then why did you go home with them after you turned me down?"

"We were going there anyway. And we didn't tell them— they already knew." Sophie explained, she took a deep breath. "Grady and Edaline canceled our adoption."

"Oh." He stared at this feet. "Are you okay?"

"Not really..." Adora let Sophie do the talking. "But thats why Fitz and Biana knew before you. Alden told them when he asked how they would feel about me living with them."

"What?" Dex practically yelled. "You're going to live with them?"

They both took a step closer so he would keep his voice down. "They havent approved it yet." Adora finally said. "But I hope they do."

"You hope so?" Dex slammed his locker shut. "Well, thats just great. You'll be a Vacker." He rolled his eyes.

"So?" Sophie asked confused.

"So, the Vacker's aren't friends with Dizznee's."

"We would be!" Sophie insisted. "Fitz and Biana also wouldn't mind if you were a bit friendlier to them..."

"Right." Dex kicked the ground. "I don't get why you'd want to live there anyway."

"For one things, not a lot of people like us Dex, let alone want us to live with them. We're lucky that the Vacker's even offered." Adora looked at the ground. "Besides, they're our friends..."

"Sure, friends."

"They are our friends." Sophie defended. "Dex, I keep waiting for you to get over this—prejudice—against them but it's like you want to hate them."

Talentless // Fitz VackerWhere stories live. Discover now