//thirty one//

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The next day, Adora was back at Havenfield before her first lesson.

Even though she felt fine for the rest of yesterday—she had figured she threw up from nerves—when they were at their lockers, she felt another wave of nausea hit her like a truck.

"Hey Sophie, I guess I still don't feel well... Would you mind if I went to the Healing Center?"

Sophie assured her that she was fine and for her to get checked up on. "You're not...mad at me...right?"

Adora patted her on the back. "I'm more worried for you but... a little bit...we're supposed to be in this together? Yeah?"

Sophie nodded.

"You're fine. I'm being overdramatic. I'm gonna go, you good?" Adora waved her feelings off.

"I'm good."

"Good. I'll see you later."

On Adora's journey to Elwin, she felt fine again.

Perfectly fine, like nothing was wrong.

She debated just going to class again but then decided, after seeing how Dex still ignored her, that she would take a day off. A mental health day, to figure everything out.

She practically skipped to the Healing Center. She made herself look drowsy right before she entered.

"Hey Elwin." She said a bit weaker but she waved nonetheless. "Yesterday I threw up and now—I don't know, I just still feel sick."

Elwin nodded. "Okay, come sit down." He put his glasses down.

Adora made her way over to the bed and internally started panicking. Her cells would look fine. She felt fine, she was literally faking it.

"How's Sophie doing?"

Adora weakly smiled. "Her burns are amazing. They completely disappeared. Sophie is... as well as you can be?"

Elwin nodded. "I guess that's all we can ask for right now. Oh yeah, your cells look a bit sick and tired... Hmm, I usually have an elixir but it has limbium in it..." Elwin thought for a moment. " I think you should just go home. You had this yesterday right? Take it easy, yeah?"

Adora nodded and smiled. "Thanks Elwin." Maybe she really was sick. 

"No problem Kiddo."

Adora walked her way over and light leaped away.

She explained the situation to Edaline who just nodded and told her to get better. She offered to make some tea, very quietly but she did. Adora politely declined.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go get some fresh air? Feeling a bit stuffy." Adora lied.

Wait...what? She was planning to go upstairs and read. What is happening?

Edaline just nodded.

She went upstairs and walked towards Sophie's desk.

Her hands reached towards Sophie's memory log.

No, Sophie deserves her privacy. I'm not gonna look through her memory log, I would never. What am I doing?

Her hands twitched before she grabbed her fairytale book that was right next to it. She walked back downstairs.

Adora felt like she wasn't walking but...she was. Her body was moving, her legs were taking her somewhere.

She opened and closed the front door. She walked out and began her involuntary walk.

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