//twenty one //

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During the six weeks, Adora spent time relaxing. She spent time using her new bass muffler that Dex made. She had hang outs with Keefe where all they did was jam out to music and scream their hearts out, rightfully driving his dad crazy. She spent time with Biana and Fitz and her and Dex also hung out together. 

Sophie finally told Adora what was bothering her. Adora promised she would try her hardest to figure out was was happening with the San Diego fires and whatever-the-hell Project Moonlark was. 

Something weird that was happening to Adora left her speechless. Its only happened twice so far and she was surprised that the only person who caught on was Keefe, the only reason Keefe knew was because the second time it happened was at Keefe's house Candleshade.

Now it happened once before midterm, in the middle of the night she felt weird. Like something bad was going to happen and that feeling sat in her gut before she opened her eyes. She was in San Diego, fires still blazing but she walked around confused. 

She realized she was seeing something important and that nobody else seemed to see her. 

Her father was getting released from prison on good behavior. She walked around San Diego, 'picked up' some presents for friends and watched as her mother went to greet her father when he got released. 

The feeling in her gut returned and when she blinked, she was back in the lost cities, in her bed. 

The second time it happened she was at Keefe's place jamming out. The feeling in her gut returned as she disappeared from the room. 

She was back in San Diego and voices were running through her head. 

They're on their fifth date... nothings official yet but Rumor has it that they might start dating again soon. 

Adora watched at her parents laughed together, something she hasn't seen them do...ever... She watched at they continued their date and soon the feeling at the bottom of her gut returned and she was back in Keefe's room. 

To say Keefe was shocked was too underwhelming of a word to describe Keefe's reaction. Adora ended up having to explain the entire situation, it was a struggle trying to convince Keefe not to tell anyone. 

"Congratulations to everyone who passed their midterms," Dame Alin said during their fist orientation. "I hope you enjoyed your six-week vacation, because it's time to get serious. Anyone who got lower than eighty-five percent on their midterms need to step it up or you will not pass your finals." 

Adora sighed. That 84% in Elementalism was going to be the death of her. 

"Your mentors also tell me that there are one hundred nine Level Threes who haven't manifested abilities and more than double that of Level Twos--which is unacceptable. Be prepared to be pushed much harder in ability detecting from now on."

Adora joined in on the dreadful groans coming from the crowd of kids.


The next week, everyone looked sweaty as they wilted into study hall after ability detecting. 

"I feel disgusting." Adora deadpanned as she laid on the floor. She looked as through someone dumped a water bottle on her. Even Marella had a towel on her puffy hair. 

"What did they do to you guys?" Sophie asked. 

"Stuck us in an oven and roasted us for two hours trying to see if we were Frosters." Dee grumbled.

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