// seven //

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Adora cringed when she looked around. A giant metal gate shined as if it were the sun. 

"Welcome to Everglen!" Fitz said, leading the two girls towards the door. "What do you think." 

"It's very bright." Sophie tried complementing. 

Fitz laughed. "Yeah, the gate absorbs all the light so nobody can leap directly inside. My dad works for the council so he likes his privacy." 

"Can you leap from inside to out?" Adora asked, marvelling at the blinding lights. 

"Not unless you're outside of the gate." 

He opened the doors and there stood a beautiful little garden with giant trees and small little river. In the middle of it was a tall lean man who was wearing a giant dark blue cape. His eyes were once again a terrifying blue and he had dark hair. Basically Fitz but an adult. 

"Sophie, this is my father, Alden." Fitz introduced. 

Sophie did a small wave. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sophie." Alden said with Fitz's accent times ten. "I see Fitz wasn't kidding about the brown eyes. Most unusual."

Sophie looked embarrassed. "Oh. Uh. Yeah." 

Alden smiled. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, I think the Color it quite pretty, don't you Fitz?" 

Adora held in a giggle has Fitz and Sophie looked at the floor in unison. 

"You didn't tell anyone that Sophie was coming here besides the council did you?" Fitz asked. 

"Only the council. Why?" 

"Sophie said someone tried to take them this morning"

Aldens eyes widened. "Are you okay?" His eyes scanned for injuries. 

"Don't worry dad. If she was injured, her friend would've already fixed it up." Fitz said. "And hurt the guy." 

Adora peaked behind Sophie and beamed at the very polite man. "Hello! My names Adora Green." She said excited. She like meeting new people. She did a tiny bow with her head when she greeted him. 

"Pleasure to meet you Adora." Fitz and His dad shared a look. "So the kidnapper?" 

"Yeah, he never got close enough to grab either of us. He just looked like he wanted to. Adora scared him off with the threat of Rabies." Sophie reported.

"Oh and Fork-Man." Adora added. 

"Mr. Forkle." Sophie corrected. 

"Humans..." Alden muttered. 

Fitz chimed in. "Actually Sophie thought he might've been an elf." 

"What." Adora commented. 

Alden shook his head. "Kidnapping is a human crime. I've never heard of it in the lost cities. What made you consider it?" 

"I might've been wrong but I couldn't hear his thoughts... and that only happened around Adora, Fitz and now you." 

"Yes Fitz told me about that." Alden reached to touch Sophie's forehead. "Do you mind?" 

"Um." Sophie hesitated. 

"I mean you no harm.' He reassured. "I'd love to see memories of the kidnapper, if that's okay?" 

Sophie nodded after a bit. After a while of silence, he removed his hands. "Well. You are indeed a fascinating girl." He reach his hands towards Adora. "May I?" 

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