// twenty six //

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Well Sophie stayed asleep for most of the night. Until a loud screech filled the room. 

Sophie bounced up and Adora got up quickly. "You good?" 

"I wanna go check it out." Sophie said as she rushed to change into some work clothes. Adora was in a sweater and leggings and she assumed it was fine. Adora grabbed her bass just in case. Recently, the gnomes and her figured out that some animals responded well to her music and calmed down.

It was still dark but they could see a golden pterodactyl trying to escape the leash that Grady held. Edaline and the gnomes tried calming the other animals. 


Sophie covered her ears. "How can I help?" she shouted to Grady. 

"You shouldn't be up! go back to bed, Sophie. We don't need any help!" 


Suddenly, Sophie started running off. Adora followed her. "What are we doing?" 

"Grab the dry umber leaves." Adora did as she was told and grabbed handful. 

Sophie grabbed a alchemy torch and they ran closer before Sophie set the leaves on fire and Adora drop the leaves. 

"What are you doing?" Edaline screamed as they both jumped back from the enormous blue flames that smelled like chicken. "Someone get the quicksnuff!" 

"Just wait a second," Sophie said, pointing to the now relaxed pterodactyl. "I know what I'm doing." 

The creature circled a bit before punching into the fire. Sophie dragged dora away from the sparks that were flying everywhere. 

"What on earth were you thinking?" Edaline demanded, pulling them both farther from the fire. "What would possess you to do that?" 

"It was cold." Sophie said simply. The pterodactyl was still playing in the flames. It was cute. 

The gnomes beckoned Adora to help them calm down the animals. Adora rushed to them and started playing simple chords on her guitar and the gnomes started petting others. It was very tedious. 

"Adora! Take Sophie to your room!" Adora flashed a smile to the gnomes before rushing to go get Sophie. 

"Okay." Sophie mumbled. "I guess I'll see you when I wake up." 

Neither Grady or Edaline said anything as Adora and Sophie walk inside. No goodnight and certainly no hugs. Sophie tried waving but their backs were already turns. 

Adora rubbed Sophies back. "Come on, lets get to sleep, okay?" Sophie nodded. 


The next morning, nether parent was too pleased. They didn't say much and their smiles were forced. 

Sophie was asking Edaline and Grady about "Gildie" the new name of the Flareadon. 

"Absolutely not." Edaline ejected when Sophie said she wanted to visit Gildie again. "You're staying home to rest. And you're not to go anywhere near those animals. Is that understood?"

"But I'm fine now! and I always help you guys outside." 

"Well that was a mistake on our part."Edaline scolded Sophie some more before telling her to study for her finals. 

After a bit more silence, Adora spoke up. "May I go to the animals? I wanted to explore the animals reactions to a different style of music." 

"You haven't even manifested. You should be studying too." 

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