// seven //

127 2 14

(A/N: shoutout to my dedicated editors aka commenters—I think I'm gonna finish this book and then run through all the edits you've pointed out. Anyways, I love you guys so much like wtf—y'all aint even paid for this and yet you still put up with me writing bullshit.

Love ya! Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, life has been crazyyy and throws me curveballs)
Lmao not me gatekeeping this chapter

Unable to sleep after that thought popped into her head—Adora got dressed, ready for the next day.

She was having fun, experimenting with her new ojewellery and playing with her new charm bracelet.

She also tried on the clothes she got from the humans back when they were kidnapped—in hindsight, her and Dex had so much fun running around and grabbing clothes.

She didn't have money for cool clothes back when she lived with the humans, and it bothered her that the whole shopping spree was soured by the whole "kidnapper bit."

Switching her earrings a hundred time for fun—she started trying on rings when she heard whining coming from the enclosures.

A little midnight lullaby wouldn't hurt...right?

Adora quickly packed a small bag with Sophie's iPod, and some sheet music Biana had requested.

She hadn't looked at the sheet music since she came to the lost cities, mostly figuring it out herself on what sounded right.

Hearing Silveny's whines, Adora sped up her packing.

Now, she just had to get past Sandor.

He was there for her own protection but to be fair—all kids snuck out right?

Grabbing Sophie's iPod, she shoved it in her track pants pocket. She creaked open her window before rushing back into her bed.

She waited as she heard Sandor open her door, his shadowy figure looked around before inspecting the open window. After a few moments, he left the room again.

Shooting her eyes open again, she slowly leaned out the window—trying to find the best way to leave when the whining got louder.

She wished she could just...poof! Be there.

She blinked for a second.

She blinked again, looking around to find herself in Silveny's enclosure.

She leaned her head out of the enclosure to see the open window in her bedroom.

"How did I just—" Adora said aloud before Silveny's head nudged her excitedly. Adora laughed, looking at the energetic animal.

Prancing around, obviously bored—Adora changed her plans.

This was no longer a lullaby, Adora and Silvery were just going to hang out.

Before Adora could think about how sad it was that she was hanging out with a magical horse, she played one of her more energetic playlists.

Silveny and Adora started running around the enclosure—even cat walking—as they bopped along to the music.

After about an hour—Adora laid on the fluffy grass, the playlist still going. "Silveny, how do you still have so much energy? I envy you."

Silveny was still prancing around, jumping a bit to the funky music—partially excited for the upbeat love song.

"You are a bigger hopeless romantic than me." Adora grinned, as the alicorn always got more thrilled when it was a love song.

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