Ch 1 : Abused and Abandoned.

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★Ash's POV★

Another day of being hit. Gosh, I can't stand with these old hags who kept beating me every time I made a mistake. I guess they will never like me.

"Ash! Are you okay? Did your parents beat you up again? Do you need to go to the nurse office-" my best friend asked. But, I cut his word by saying, "Stop! I'm not okay, my parents beat me up and I don't need to go to the nurse office! I'm just tired of being abandoned and abused."

Gosh. I'm not Anti-muslim but, Nabil, my best friend can be very annoying especially around his crush. "Anyways, your crush is very beautiful, isn't she? You can try date her," I teased. He hit my arm and I laughed. "I can't date her because in Islam, it is Haram. I told you her religion is the same as me," he said.

"I'm Christian so I really don't know about your religion," I said to him. "Oh, yeah, what you said is kinda true, she is indeed very beautiful, Ashy," he said.

"Don't call me Ashy. You said LGBT+ is Haram in your religion but how come you can call me like that?" I said. It's very rare for him to call me Ashy so it was a bit creepy since he is a Muslim. "Come on, I'm your best friend since we were kid! Today is the last day of school, you know. Can we just joke around?" Nabil said. After this talk, the school ended.

I went to my cursed home alone. I used shortcut because my mom wants me to get on time. But the shortcut was a lot of kidnappers, rapist and others. "Ash!! Help your mother! She's having a baby! Call 911 now!" my father screamed. I called 911. "Your wife is only having a small kick from the baby, no need to be worry," the doctor said, annoyed. They always does this every time the baby do something that hurt my mom.

2 weeks later... (More specifically, 1st December)

"Ash!! Call 911!! Your mother is having a baby!!" My father called. I do what my father told me to or else I'll be beaten up. They brought my mother to the hospital. Then, the next thing I knew I had a brother. A little brother. At first, I don't really like babysit him. But my parents started to ignore my brother so I take care of him and promised myself that I will raise this baby with love and care with my future partner.

One snowy day, my parents suddenly kicked us out of the house. I think they thought we're just wasting the space in their house. I packed everything up and went to Nabil's house. I asked him to take care of my brother while I find a way to survive my awful life. He promised to take care of my little brother.

I was heartbroken for weeks. I decided to be strong so I find a job. Sadly, I don't start working at anywhere. As I walk through my favorite cafe, I got an idea. I can work at that cafe. I send a message to the owner of the cafe and got accepted. I later starts to works at the cafe as a waiter.

One day, as I was working, a man came in and sit in the corner table. As I was taking his order, I realized he was staring at me for really long time. I asked him what's wrong and he told me to meet him after my shift ended which is actually in the evening.

After my shift ended, I waited for him at the side of the cafe. He came, but he suddenly he pulled me closed to his body. I felt my cheeks burning up. He asked to me, whispering if I want to live with him. I said yes since my apartment is now have been sold to someone.

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