Ch 3 : Embarrassing Situation.

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★Ash's POV★

Dani, the guy who took me to his apartment just kissed me... but surprisingly, I liked it. He was acting weird after that. I was a bit upset, I still went to work even though he doesn't let me to do so.

I met a lot of people that I've known. From my exes to my old neighbors and some relative. They said that the cafe I worked at has the best coffee and warm tea. One day, he came to the cafe again. All my waiter friends told me to serve him so I have to do it.

He sits in front of the cashier. I sighed and went to him. After I took his order, I want to go my friend but he suddenly pulled me and I landed on his laps. I whispered, asking him to not hug me while in my shift. He seems to listen and let me go. I went to them and gave his order. One of the waiter said that everyone was looking at me.

Luckily, one of my ex-boyfriend who worked there, defended me. I was out of the embarrassing situation. When his order was done, I picked it up and serve to his table. As I was leaving his table, he grabbed my hand and pulled me besides him. I was annoyed but I have to neither I like it or not.

He asked me when my shift ended. I told him that it ended at 10 PM. He let me go again but this time, he kept his smiling at me which was to me, it's quite creepy. I told the owner I can't work that day because I'm starting to feel sick. Well I actually lied to him but meh, he won't know. He let me ended the shift at 6.30 PM. As soon as I left from the manager room, I saw Dani paid his order at cashier.

He left the same time as me. He asked me if I wanted a ride. I agreed and hopped in the car. We started to talk. He asked me suddenly, "Hey, what's your sexuality?" It was quite surprising but I replied, "Bisexual, how about you?" He only stayed quiet for a while. "Same as you, but only attracted to boys," he said.

I still wondered until now why he asked.

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