Ch 26 : Does it Heals Ash?

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•Dani's POV•
•After a few months•

I feel like I'm going crazy, he broke up with me a few months ago... I'm feeling moody and stressed but, I'm trying my best to hide it from Ash, so he will be prepared for our third attempt.

I kinda missed sleeping and hugging his body.. or maybe I shouldn't? He broke up with me, so why should I miss everything we used to do..?

Man, I'm so tired thinking about him and other shits.

I stretch my arms as the works are done. I'm tired and I wish I could hug Ash like the old times. But I want him to have some space, so he could rethink his decision.

This was the most boring night ever. There was only silence; Ash was already asleep. 'Fuck it, I'm just going to hear some songs,' I thought.

(Time Skip) The next day...

Diera asked me to join her on a date with Austin. I said yes and got ready to hang out. (No, she didn't ask him to be her bf)

We arrived at the cafe and ordered a few drinks. My mind was on my breakup.. I can't stop thinking about it, it makes me feel helpless and useless. Not only that, I thought that maybe Ash broke up with me because he lost feelings and didn't have the courage to tell me.

"Dani?" Austin called. I quickly shook my head and looked at him. "I know it's hard for you," he said to me. Diera gave a confused look and Austin told her everything that happened.

"Really? Man, you guys made such a cute couple, how could he just break up with you like that?"

"He needed some space, so he could prepare for the third time of their relationship," he said. I want to cry, but I don't really feel like it because last night I cried all my heart out.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.. Do you still love him?" Diera asked. I nodded as I put my head on the table.

"Here are your drinks- wait, Dani, why are you here?" the waiter said. I looked at him and realized that we went to the cafe where Ash works at. "Diera asked him to hang out while on a date with me," Austin said.

"And you tell the boss that you're sick. He'll go off his rocker if he found out that you're lying to him," Ash said. He turned to me and I could feel a small pat on my head.

When I get my head up from the table, Ash already walked away while whispering to one of his friends. I turned to Diera and Austin, I soon realized that they were giggling at me.

"What's so funny?"

"It's cute how Ash patted your head and quickly ran away as soon you got your head up," Diera said. Austin hitted her with a small harmless slap as I blushed.

'Wait, does that mean he's ready? Probably he just felt pity on me since we broke up..' I thought.

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