Ch 16 : Relationship Starts.. Again. (Part II)

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•Dani's POV•

I'm going to be dead as fuck. He fucking slept with me and I was blushing while covering my whole body with a blanket. I woke up the next morning with him... hugging me. My face turned red and I quickly got up, didn't care that he had woken up.

I quickly washed my face and sat on the couch. He got out of my bedroom and washed his face. He started to cook our breakfast and I was only sitting on the couch, looking at the floor. He put it on the dining table and went to me.

I could feel his arms hugging my body. I want to resist it but at the same time, I feel...comfortable. He seemed to realize it and kept hugging me.

After we had our breakfast, I went to my room and I realized that Ash was following me. It wasn't scary or creepy, but it was kind of weird. I started to play my phone and Ash was only staring at me. He got up and sat besides me.

I didn't realize it until I turned off my phone. He gave me a smirk and jumped on me. He held my hand tight and starts to kiss me. I could only stayed quiet, trying to remain calm. When he done kissing me, he let go of my hands and laid down besides me.

He pulled me closer to him until I could hear his breath. He then puts his leg on mine and starts kissing my neck. I tried so hard not to moan but, he started to give me hickeys which made me kept making noises. Ash only giggled and I think he was enjoying it so I let him continue.

He finally stopped and starts to hug me. I took a deep breath and asked if he wanted to be my boyfriend...again. He agreed and said that he still loves me just like the day we met.

Night finally came. I was playing my phone when he hugged me from behind. I stopped playing my phone and he pulled me to my bed. His legs was on mine when suddenly....he starts kissing my neck and cheeks multiple times.

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